July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Annual Report on the Modified Mattie T. Consent Decree MASS July 2010
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline Class Action originally filed April 25, 1975 –Targeted over-identification of minorities –Required an annual report to the court Original Consent Decree signed on January 26, 1979 Motion filed to end consent decree in November 2001
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline December 23, revised Consent Decree signed by federal court Judge Mills –Set specific numeric targets for state and districts to meet –Addresses children 6 to 20 years old –Includes SLD, OHI, EmD, EMR, and LRE LRE dismissed with prejudice May 2009
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations education/data_charts.html
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations EMR Differential Calculation Percent of Black Students with EMR - divide number of students identified as Black EMR by the number of students who are identified as Black on the Total Student Enrollment. FORMULA: [B EMR / M1NetMembership B] * 100 Percent of Other Students with EMR - divide number of students identified as Other with EMR (Other = Asian + Hispanic + American Indian + White) by the sum of Other of Total Student Enrollment. FORMULA: [(AS + H + AI + W) EMR / M1NetMembership (AS + H + AI + W)] * 100 Differential for EMR - the difference between the Percent of Black Students with EMR and Percent of Other Students with EMR FORMULA: [% of B EMR Students - % O EMR Students] Note the required differential for each districts is 1.15 or less. For districts with Percent of Students Enrolled who are Black at 96% or greater, the Child Identification of Students with Disabilities as a Percent of the Total Enrollment column under EMR should be 1.65% or less.
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations SLD Differential Calculation Percent of Black Students with SLD - divide number of students identified as Black SLD by the number of students who are identified as Black on the Total Student Enrollment. FORMULA: [B SLD / M1NetMembership B] * 100 Percent of Other Students with SLD - divide number of students identified as Other with SLD (Other = Asian + Hispanic + American Indian + White) by the sum of Other of Total Student Enrollment. FORMULA: [(AS + H + AI + W) SLD / M1NetMembership (AS + H + AI + W)] * 100 Differential for SLD - the difference between the Percent of Black Students with SLD and Percent of Other Students with SLD FORMULA: [% of B SLD Students - % O SLD Students] Note the required differential for each districts is 1.85 or less. For districts with Percent of Students Enrolled who are Black at 96% or greater, the Child Identification of Students with Disabilities as a Percent of the Total Enrollment column under SLD should be 5.65% or less.
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline MDE reviewing data that includes: –Monitoring reports –Follow-up visits –Analysis of reports –Due Process Originally: Sept Sept 2010 Changed to: Dec Dec 2010
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline Analyzing and verifying accuracy of data Originally: Sept March 2011 Changed to: Dec June 2011
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline Final Data Reference Point for determining whether or not the termination criteria has been met or not Originally: September 2010 Changed to: December 2010
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline Districts must be notified in writing of non-compliance Originally: April 15, 2011 Changed to: July 15, 2011
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline “Plan of Rapid Compliance” must be submitted to MDE –must outline goal of meeting the targets –if LEA fails to submit plan, mandatory and automatic sanctions shall be imposed Originally: June 15, 2011 Changed to: September 15, 2011
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Mattie T. Timeline ALL districts must be in compliance –Any LEA that is not in compliance with the decree’s requirements, shall have mandatory and automatic sanctions imposed Originally: December 31, 2011 Changed to: March 31, 2012
July 2010 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations Contact Information Ann Moore – State Director Ellen Davis Burnham – Bureau Director