What’s the Main Idea? Created by J. Hicks 2008
The rain forest is home to many creatures. Monkeys, toucans and macaws live in the rain forest. Blue Morpho butterflies and anteaters also live in the rain forest. A. Sloths and tapirs are other creatures that live in the rain forest. B. The rain forest is home to many creatures C. Monkeys, toucans, and macaws live in the rain forest
Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates. A. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score B. Soccer players learn how to dribble C. Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer
There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach. Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed. Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells. Some people simply like to sunbathe. A. There are many fun things to do at the beach. B. It is also fun to look for shells C. Some people simply like to sunbathe.
Benjamin Franklin loved to write. When he was twenty- two, he set up his own printing shop and started a newspaper. He also printed a book called Poor Richard’s Almanac. It had funny stories, information about the weather, and wise sayings. A. Ben Franklin loved to write stories and books B. Ben Franklin worked very hard when he was young C. Ben Franklin knew a lot about the weather D. Ben Franklin was very poor
Benjamin Franklin loved the city of Philadelphia. He started the city’s first hospital and fire department. Ben also started Philadelphia’s first public library. Benjamin Franklin worked very hard to make Philadelphia a better place to live. A. Ben Franklin worked hard to make his city a great place to live. B. Ben Franklin worked for the fire department C. Ben Franklin knew a lot about books D. Ben Franklin went to school in Philadelphia
Benjamin Franklin was very interested in electricity. One day he tried a very dangerous experiment to prove that lightning was electricity. He attached a key to a kite string and flew the kite during a thunderstorm. When the lightning hit the kite, sparks flew from the key. Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was electricity. A. Ben Franklin liked to play in the rain B. Ben Franklin performed an experiment that proved lightning was electricity C. Ben Franklin knew a lot about thunderstorms D. Ben Franklin invented a new kind of kite.
Benjamin Franklin invented many things that made life easier in the late 1700’s. He invented the lightning rod that saved many homes from fires. He also invented the Franklin stove. The stove could heat a room better than a fireplace and saved people a lot of fuel. He also invented a special kind of glasses called bifocals. This new kind of glasses helped people to read better. A. Ben Franklin thought reading was important B. Ben Franklin was not afraid of fire. C. Ben Franklin was a great inventor D. A Franklin stove can heat a whole room
Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America. It is on the Niagara River about halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Niagara Falls is on the American and Canadian border. The American Falls is 167 feet high. On the Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high. A. It is fun to visit a waterfall in the summer B. Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America. C. The American Falls is 167 feet high D. Niagara Falls is on the American and Canadian border
The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France. It has become a universal symbol of freedom. A. It is located on an island in New York Harbor B. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book C. The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. D. Islands are surrounded by water on all sides.
The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies in the mid 1800's. The 363 mile canal connected Albany, New York to Lake Erie in Buffalo for the first time. When the canal opened in 1825, building supplies and goods could be transported quickly and cheaply across New York State. Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies the 363 miles. A. The 363 mile canal connected Albany and Buffalo for the first time B. Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies across New York State C. It’s lots of fun to travel by boat. D. The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies.
Baby sea turtles face many dangers that it’s amazing they survive at all. Even before hatching, eggs are sometimes eaten by ghost crabs or crushed by adult turtles digging other nests. If the eggs do hatch and the hatchlings head for sea, all kinds of predators – birds, raccoons, fish- try to gobble them up. A. Sea turtles can be eaten by ghost crabs B. Birds, raccoons and fish gobble them up C. Baby sea turtles face many dangers.
Baseball was the best part of Roberto Clemente’s childhood. After school, he would run home, drink milk, and go out to play. He always carried a ball in his hand. He had a wooden bat. He loved the game of baseball. A. Roberto Clemente loved to throw the ball B. Clemente went to school and then played baseball C. The best part of Roberto Clemente’s childhood was baseball.
As the explorers paddled farther up the Missouri River, the landscape began to change. Now there were rolling hills. And by late May they saw huge mountains in the distance. To survey the area, Lewis climbed a bluff overlooking the river. To the west he saw a few peaks. He said, “From this point, I beheld the Rocky Mountains for the first time.” A. The explorers saw mountains. B. The explorers saw rolling hills. C. The explorers noticed how the landscape changed as they traveled up the River.