Planner and warm-up Nov. 9 th plannerWarm-up Section 2 Notes Complete Chinese names Read pages 502 and 503. In 8 sentences, explain what communism is and what it’s like to live in a communist country.
China Capital – Beijing Dynasty – line of rulers that are all from the same family Stay in power until overthrown
Naturally defended invasion because of water, mountains, and deserts BUT THEY COULD NOT DEFEND THE NORTHERN BORDER = Great Wall of China built to defend northern border (2,200 years ago)
Great Wall of China – 4,000 miles long
Confucius Thought people should be polite, honest, honest, brave, and wise
Invented: Paper/ink Silk Magnetic compass Printed books Gunpowder Fireworks
Communism After World War II, the Nationalists and Communists fought for control of China The Communists won under Mao Zedong (set of People’s Republic of China) The Nationalist fled to Taiwan
Communism Under Mao Zedong and the Communists: All land and factories were taken over by the government Farmers were organized into large government farms Women joined the workforce Those who opposed were usually killed
Communism Deng Xiaoping took over in 1976 and made it a more open country There was more economic freedom Individual freedoms still denied All political activities monitored
Communism 1989 – 100,000 students and workers protested for democracy and political changes in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square Troops and tanks were sent it and protesters were murdered or arrested
Communism The lives of Chinese people are controlled by the government Took control of Tibet and exiled the Buddhist leader – The Dalai Lama (exiled to India) Exile – unable to live in own country because of political beliefs
63% of Chinese people live in rural areas Many people leave farms to move to cities 503 million people live in cities
Culture China is known for: Pottery Sculpture Architecture Pottery Poetry
Calligraphy – the art of beautiful writing Uses characters that represent words and ideas instead of leaders Over 50,000 characters Have become popular tattoos in the U.S.
A 诶 B 比 C 西 D 迪 E 伊 F 艾弗 G 吉 H 艾尺 I 艾 J 杰 K 开 L 艾勒 M 艾马 N 艾娜 O 哦 P 屁 Q 吉吾 R 艾儿 S 艾丝 T 提 U 伊吾 V 维 W 豆贝尔维 X 艾克斯 Y 吾艾 Z 贼德