ETHICAL Socially deemed acceptable, or morally correct IN OTHER WORDS Ethical Unethical (morally good) (morally bad)
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOS) PROS: -Can make growing crops easier -Can make food tastier -Can make more yield per plant / fatter animals -Can feed more people -Can last longer than the original (organic) crop CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN ORGANISM
Genetically Modified Organism- Cons… CONS -Can cause horrible side effects -Can affect kidneys, liver, and heart -Can lead to cancer -Can create new allergies -Can damage the affect of antibiotics -Can create invasive and dangerous crops
… And the horrible motivation behind GMOs GMOs, with much research and experimentation, could possibly be beneficial to humanity. Unfortunately, GMOs are usually created and used for the purpose of profit. It’s used to make crops/animals that grow faster, or easier, or bigger instead of being good for us or the planet.
ARE GMOS ETHICAL? Let’s just let mother nature create her own plants and animals. Our GMOs can be harmful/risky/dangerous. $$$ = Genetically Modified Organisms Unethical SOURCES: more/what-is-gmo/ more/ yths-and- controversies-gmos- 0 om/food- recipes/truth-about- gmos