11 Architecture & Infrastructure Committee: Governance Subcommittee Meeting Report on Compilation of DRM Comments Brand Niemann and Rick Murphy DRM Community.


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Presentation transcript:

11 Architecture & Infrastructure Committee: Governance Subcommittee Meeting Report on Compilation of DRM Comments Brand Niemann and Rick Murphy DRM Community of Practice April 10, 2009

22 Overview The compilation of comments covers a wide range of suggestions for DRM 3.0 (?) including structure, management, broader involvement, etc. that came from members of the DRM Community of Practice. The compilation of comments covers a wide range of suggestions for DRM 3.0 (?) including structure, management, broader involvement, etc. that came from members of the DRM Community of Practice. –Please Note: We had no control over that nor the process for handling them other than to deliver them to the Governance Subcommittee Co-chairs See

3 Evolution of Federal CIO Council Federal CIOKaren EvansVivek Kundra FocusComplianceInnovation ProductsPaperworkData Mashups ResultsVue-it (1)Data.gov (2) Events Chief Architects Forum & ArchitecturePlus (3) Transparency Camp (4), W3C eGovern- ment Interest Group F2F Meeting (5), & Gov 2.0 (6) (1) (2) Announced for latehttp:// May 2009, (3) (4) (5) and (6)

44 Brief DRM History DRM 1.0 – Mid-2005 (not accepted) DRM 1.0 – Mid-2005 (not accepted) DRM 2.0 – December 2006 (widely accepted) DRM 2.0 – December 2006 (widely accepted) DRM 3.0 – June 2007 and Recently (Best Practices Committee) DRM 3.0 – June 2007 and Recently (Best Practices Committee) –Workshops: February 6, 2007, February 5, 2008, and February 17, February 6, 2007February 5, 2008February 17, 2009February 6, 2007February 5, 2008February 17, 2009 Best Practice: Global Change Master Directory Best Practice: Global Change Master Directory

55 Brief DRM History IWGDD (OSTP) – November 2008 to present IWGDD (OSTP) – November 2008 to present IWGDD –January 2009 Report: Harnessing the Power of Digitial Data for Science and Society January 2009 ReportJanuary 2009 Report –May 2009 Report Best Practice: Annual Statistical Abstract Best Practice: Annual Statistical Abstract DRM RMMP – December 2008 to present (Governance Subcommittee and OMB MAX) DRM RMMP – December 2008 to present (Governance Subcommittee and OMB MAX) ISPAB – April 1, 2009 to present ISPAB – April 1, 2009 to present ISPAB –Cloud Computing and Open Government and Security Ontology Summit – April 5-6, 2009 Ontology Summit – April 5-6, 2009 Ontology Summit Ontology Summit –Pilot Projects (see next three slides)

6 Connecting ISO/IEC to Data Sets ISO/IEC Edition 3 is expected to provide a standard metamodel for (among other things) defining the semantics of Data Elements in terms of formally defined concepts, as defined by formal ontologies. The connection between Data Elements and the actual data is however beyond the scope of Realization of the "Data Web" will require closing of this gap, to connect datasets with ontologies which define their semantics. A complete solution will need to address an array of dataset forms including XBRL, SDMX, domain- specific XML schemas and "microformats", and relational and non-relational DBMSs. Some of this may be supported by OMG CWM and/or forthcoming IMM standards, but a broader framework is called for. Details here.Details here.

7 Combining Data Sets and Metadata for Public Use Presentation of data sets and associated metadata for public use will require use of ontologies not only for defining the semantics of individual data elements, but also for organizing assembled data sets for search and navigation (i.e., information architecture). The listed use cases illustrate the common need for a framework supporting this type of facility. Use cases: – –Data.gov (OMB)Data.gov – –The Ontology for the National Map (USGS)The Ontology for the National Map – –Sensor Standards Harmonization WG (NIST)Sensor Standards Harmonization – –Geospatial Catalog Mediation (see next slide)

8 Geospatial Catalog Mediation The proposed OGC project would leverage a standards ontologies registry-repository to create and manage mappings between discovery-level models for geospatial information and earth observation resources. Some of these ontologies have been created informally, some have not yet been created for relevant standards. The two use cases would involve first the creation / discovery / management / annotation of ontology artifacts (schema and domain level), and then their data-level use in federated catalogs / knowledgebases for cross- community queries and broad "findability". There is both a general knowledge aspect, and aspects specific to geospatiotemporal observational parameters (feature of interest, phenomenon, measurand, sensor process model, etc.) Details here.Details here.

9 DRM Architecture Suggestions Highlights Data Description: – –Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Data Context: – –Taxonomy/Ontology: Information: Topic and Subtopic Data: Data Table and Data Elements Data Sharing: – –Data and Metadata “Travel Together”

10 DRM Architecture Suggestions Example

11 Compilation of Comments Generic Example: – –(1) Why is the change is needed? (e.g., all the other reference models have a taxonomy) – –(2) What are the characteristics of the change? (e.g., the taxonomy would allow a common classification of agency data assets across the government) – –(3) How would these changes by made? (e.g., a taxonomy would be developed and approved within the Data Architecture Subcommittee during 2009 and submitted for inclusion in the next RMMP update)

12 Issues/Needs At a Higher Level: – –Than say the AIC Subcommittees (Data Architecture and Governance) Part of a New Gov 2.0 Target Architecture: – –E.g. Web-services/SOA, Web 2.0/3.0, and Cloud Computing Supports Evolution in Sharing: – –Exchange Packages (e.g. NIEM ZIP files) – –Downloads (e.g. Data.gov Excel files) – –Semantic Publishing (e.g. W3C RDF/OWL)

13 Next Steps Network, Socialize, and Vet: – –DRM CoP Comments – –IWGDD Report – –Ontolog Forum Ontology Summit 2009 Communique – –Etc. Digest May Events: – –Report of the IWGDD to OSTP and the Committee on Science – –Guidance on Presidential Directive on Openness in Government – –Launch of Data.gov – –Etc.

1414 Supplemental Slides Web Oriented Architecture is “an architectural style that is a substyle of SOA based on the architecture of the World Wide Web.” Web Oriented Architecture is “an architectural style that is a substyle of SOA based on the architecture of the World Wide Web.” “The only real difference between traditional SOA and the concept of WOA is that WOA advocates REST, an increasingly popular, powerful, and simple method of leveraging HTTP as a Web service in its own right”. “The only real difference between traditional SOA and the concept of WOA is that WOA advocates REST, an increasingly popular, powerful, and simple method of leveraging HTTP as a Web service in its own right”. ZapThink believes that the term Web-Oriented SOA represents greater clarity than WOA, since it disambiguates the desire to position WOA as an alternative to SOA as well as more accurately positions the concept at a lower level of abstraction than the SOA concept. ZapThink believes that the term Web-Oriented SOA represents greater clarity than WOA, since it disambiguates the desire to position WOA as an alternative to SOA as well as more accurately positions the concept at a lower level of abstraction than the SOA concept.

15 A Target Architecture From E-Gov to Connected Governance - The Role of Web Services, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, and Cloud Computing in Government Business Transformation: – –Integrate with a Proven Business Transformation Process: Vocabulary, Documents, and Patterns in a Web 2.0/3.0 Wiki (Web Services and Triple-Store Platforms with a Wiki Interface). – –E.g. DoD Business Transformation Agency (BTA), Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC), etc.     Best (Proven) Practice Examples: – –Global Change Master Directory (NASA) – –Statistical Abstract of the United States (Census Bureau) – –More in Process for Data.Gov at

16 Steps in the Semantic EPA StageKnowledgebaseURL Pre-RDFInfobase Ontology for Multiple RDBMS OWLNot publicly accessible RDF Access to RDBMS RDF Triple Stores Proceedings of the 2008 Semantic Technology Conference Semantic Publishing Web 2.0/3.0 Wikishttp://semanticom munity.net/ Dynamic OntologyBlackbook2In process

1717 Our Wiki is Web-Oriented SOA

1818 New Federal SOA CoP Wiki Public for Blogging

1919 Phase 7 Pilot SOA Patterns: SOA Patterns: –A proven solution to a common problem individually documented in a consistent format and usually as part of a larger collection. See See –Both SOA Design Patters and the NCOIC Services WG have standard templates: Centric_Patterns_Developers Centric_Patterns_Developers Centric_Patterns_Developers Centric_Patterns_Developers

2020 Phase 7 Pilot SOA Patterns: SOA Patterns: –Emergency Response/Management (Rex Brooks) Emergency Response/Management Emergency Response/Management –Legacy Modernization (David Linthicum Legacy Modernization Legacy Modernization –Legacy Modernization (Allen Jones) –SCOPE (Hans Polzer) SCOPE –Cloud Computing Interoperability (Bob Marcus) Cloud Computing Interoperability Cloud Computing Interoperability –SoaML (Cory Casanave – 2 nd SOA for E-Gov) SoaML –Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns –Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns (Linda Northrop)Software Product Lines: Practices and PatternsSoftware Product Lines: Practices and Patterns –SOA Design Patterns (Thomas Erl) SOA Design Patterns SOA Design Patterns –EPA E-Rulemaking (Brand Niemann) EPA E-Rulemaking EPA E-Rulemaking

2121 New Network Centricity Web 2.0 Wiki

2222 New Network Centricity Web 2.0 Wiki February 25, 2009, Practical Guidance for Net-Centric Patterns Developers Plenary Workshop, Fort Worth, TexasPractical Guidance for Net-Centric Patterns Developers Plenary Workshop March 23, 2009, Cloud Computing Interoperability at OMG Meeting, Crystal City, VirginiaCloud Computing Interoperability at OMG Meeting March 27-28, 2009, Gov 2.0 Camp, Washington, DCGov 2.0 Camp March 31, 2009, Embracing Change: New Technical Approaches to Federal IT, Arlington, VAEmbracing Change: New Technical Approaches to Federal IT April 2-3, 2009, SOA Symposium, Arlington, VASOA Symposium April 28, 2009, 7th SOA for E-Government, McLean, VA7th SOA for E-Government June 8-12, 2009, NCOIC Plenary, Brussels, Belgium.NCOIC Plenary September 21-25, 2009, NCOIC Plenary, Washington, DC. Special Session on Service/SOA Patterns.NCOIC Plenary