Life Line
Belay Line
Canteens Clean and change water
CO2 Extinguisher Weigh extinguisher #1 Write in weight in check off sheet
CO2 Extinguisher Weigh extinguisher #2 Write in weight in check off sheet
Forepeak FOREPEAK Inspect Remove any water Clean Paint HATCH Inspect (dogged properly) Clean Paint Lubricate as needed OVERBOARD VALVE Close/open valve Lubricate as needed HATCH MARKED FWD ON TOP FOR PROPER PLACEMENT FWD
Forepeak Run fresh air using a blower a minimum of 24 hours weather permitting
Forward Ballast Tank Sounding tube located in closet in EMS room Wrench and tape located in equip. room tool box Sound tank with tape Overboard valve located in EMS room behind return air grill Close / open overboard valve Lubricate as needed
Aft Ballast Tank Sounding tube located on aft deck Wrench and tape located in equip. room tool box Sound tank with tape
Bullhorns Check for proper operation
Life Ring Strobes Test strobe by turning light side up
Skiff Battery Check the level of electrolyte Add distilled water if needed Take gravity reading of all cells. If needed charge with charger. Keep terminals clean. Batteries give off hydrogen gas, which is highly explosive. Keep all sources of ignition away when working around batteries. Whenever disconnecting battery terminals, always disconnect the ground (black, negative). terminal first. When connecting always connect the ground terminal last. 7/16” wrenchHydrometer
Fuel Change premix fuel on yellow cans. Use STIHL 2 Cycle Engine Oil, 50 to 1 ratio. Use a 2.6 fluid oz. bottle to one gallon of fuel.
Dry Chemical Extinguisher The extinguisher shall be kept fully charged at all times. The pressure gauge should be checked daily for a full charge. The extinguisher will function effectively only so long as the air pressure is between 125 to 175 psi. Inspect periodically and after use to detect deteriorated, worn or damaged parts. Inspect nozzle periodically for any obstruction or collection of moisture. Once each month, remove the extinguisher form the rack, invert it, and shake to preclude any possibility of the chemical caking. Tag the extinguisher and send in whenever it needs to be recharged with air or dry chemical.
Litter Basket Check the litter restraint straps for function and condition. Inspect stretcher frame for bends, corrosion, cracks, gouges and excess wear. Inspect the fabric, webbing and miscellaneous hardware for condition, location and proper function. (Replace or repair as required). Inspect USAR sling assembly monthly & after each use. Check integrity of lines & hardware. Each Month & after use inspect S/S sling assembly for broken wires, kinks or corrosion. Inspect rings, snap hooks, thimbles and sleeves for deformity, corrosion & proper operation. Inspect condition of colored reflective material on litter frame and snap hooks; replace as required. Fresh water wash with mild soap after exposure to salt water or excess soiling. Allow to completely air dry prior to stowage. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight will damage the fabric and webbing. Replace all porous materials exposed to body fluids. Sterilize stretcher frame.