Recommendations Entry point into discussion should be the indicator(s) as biodiversity so varied Specification of the indicator is key (due to variety)


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Presentation transcript:

Recommendations Entry point into discussion should be the indicator(s) as biodiversity so varied Specification of the indicator is key (due to variety) Need to develop a ‘contents’ list for indicator dissemination (e.g. assessment sheets, indicator reports, EEA indicator specification and assessment) to enable pan-European consistency in ‘assessments’. Can we come up with a indicator dissemination standard that is ‘common’ across regions and ALL indicators (i.e. state and pressure)? Will have mandatory and optional fields. OSPAR need by May 2015 HELCOM need by February 2015 (published in June 2015) EC-Deltares project is identifying common data standards for indicators (taking from Darwin Core standard and further developing where required). Could pick up recommendations from this? Pilot: Biodiversity indicator examples could be worked through (from each region)

HOW? Indicator assessment stages/steps Possible standards Develop ment process NE Atlantic Ocean (OSPAR) Baltic Sea (HELCOM)Black SeaMediterranean Sea Raw data Darwin Core? ODIMS will be a portal pointing to data (may not host all data) Online monitoring manual provides links to raw data and the indicators Monitoring guidance being developed by the Barcelona Convention (due to start 2016). MSs also have ongoing monitoring programmes. Use EMODnet platforms to share data. Detailed data ODIMS will be a portal pointing to data (may not host all data) Aggregated data ODIMS will be a portal pointing to data (may not host all data) Biodiversity portal/ map and data service makes data products viewable and sometimes downloadable Indicator development /testing ICG COBAMIn the process of developing indicators and being led by MSs; and CBD Advisory Group: reporting and indicator development (slightly slower) Led at MS level, with limited collaboration on biodiversity indicators. Not supported by service contract which includes D5, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Barcelona Convention COP 18 decision with list of common indicators (at same level of descriptors). Indicator production EEA indicator specification template? JAMP guideline template as standard; no agreement for ‘how’ indicators produced in long term Expert groups produce indicators following HELCOM approach Currently in testing phase, so no specifications developed. Individual MSs might have specifications. Indicator dissemination EEA indicator assessment template? ODIMS, also will have assessment sheets (drill down into detail) – but template still being developed Biodiversity portal/ map and data service makes data products and assessments viewable and sometimes downloadable HELCOM website publishes indicator reports (key message maps, specification and assessment) – but could be changed to reflect EC/ EEA needs. Iterates