COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Welcome feel free to chat while I set up slides! Here is what I have planned for this evening… We will view and discuss the slides on requirements, expectations, the library and other pertinent course information. Please only respond when asked a question and keep your comments to each other to a minimum once we get started. Please be aware that you may see questions and comments on the slides and within the chat. Additionally, you may want to jot down questions or comments on a piece of paper as you view the slides. Don’t worry I will stop and ask for questions every few slides. I know this may be your first seminar, but you will gain more comfort in the coming weeks and most students enjoy our time together. Thanks, Sharon
Let’s start with a brief (city, state) introduction telling where you are from. I currently reside in Columbus Ohio. Where are you from? What other states are represented here today? Any other countries? Incredible, isn’t it, to see all the places we’re representing here in this one small group— technology never ceases to amaze me…
Now that we’re feeling a little more comfortable with each other, let me introduce myself. My name is Sharon Lang and I’ll be your instructor and facilitator for the next several weeks. You may call me Sharon.
TECHNICAL ISSUES First, let’s look at what you should do when you run into technical problems. At any time during the term, if you experience any technical or other problems, contact Student Services or Technical Services. You will find contact information on your Course Homepage. Please contact technical support for technology related issues. Teachers do not have the information to resolve a technical issue so if you come to me I will ask you to call tech support. Not because I do not want to help you, but because I just do not know. Here’s another technical problem Id like to address: In the past, it has not been unusual for someone to get booted out of a seminar, so please don’t panic if this happens to you. In fact, this happens to me from time to time as well. If you get booted out, just do your best to get right back into the class. Contact me through AIM or course mail if you miss more than 15 minutes. If I get booted out, please keep the discussion on track while you wait for me to get back in. Any questions at this point? For all other course-related problems or concerns, you may always me through Kaplan mail at or contact me on AIM. My AIM ID is sharonmlang. You may also call me, my number is And remember, I am on eastern time. So, please don’t call me at 3 AM. Even if you do think it is funny! LOL (And yes, I have been called during the You can also always contact your advisors. The key here is if you have problems, contact someone. Do not let a problem go unsolved for long!
COURSE MATERIALS: Course Syllabus Text: Your text is an eBook Software: Microsoft Word is required for all Kaplan Courses Other: Relevant library articles and Internet sources. Any questions on this?
Do you know what a rubric is? In the course syllabus you will see rubric (a set of specific guidelines for grading). For each assignment there is a rubric in the syllabus There are rubric for discussions, introductions, project and seminars. You need to read these and follow them to be sure that you understand exactly what is expected and how to complete each assignment. I will also refer to these in the comments that I post with your grades for each item. The rubric are extremely important and if you do not understand them then you will miss valuable points in each of your courses that you take in college. Do you have any questions?
DISCUSSION BOARD 50 points/per week Responses meet posted length requirements (150 word minimum per discussion question: 50 word minimum on peer responses). Two or more responses per thread to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the discussion. (Note: posts that are done earlier in the unit advance the discussion more than posts that are all completed on the final day of a unit; advancing the discussion is a graded aspect of DB work). Be sure that you check to see if there are more than one discussion question in each unit. You do this by clicking the down arrow beside the discussion question topic and then clicking GO. If you miss a discussion question then you are missing valuable points. Any questions on discussion board?
SEMINAR Seminar Etiquette: I hope each one of you will be able to attend the live seminars, on time and for the full hour. It is a great part of the class. And not only show up, but get involved in the discussion. Be active. If you do this, again, you will be on track for an A. You may contact me after seminar through AIM with personal questions. If you choose not to attend the seminar then you must complete Option 2 of the unit to receive a satisfactory grade for that week’s seminar. Do not do both. It does not earn you more points! Do one or the other. Also, I will allow about five or 10 minutes of each seminar for general questions near the end of the hour. Let me encourage each of you to do your best to actively participate in our seminars. First, it gives us a chance to know one another a bit, and second, the meaningful contributions from each of you, really given us an opportunity to learn from one another. Your grade will consist of your contribution to the seminar discussion by answering the questions I will post to you throughout the hour. Any questions on seminar?
Instructor’s Grading Criteria/Timetable: Assignments will be accepted late however the student will loose points for each late week for discussions and projects and points for each late week for seminars will be deducted (the loss of points begins the first day over due and will accumulate thereafter by week). A student should plan on turning in all assignments on time. In addition, if a student submits an assignment late they must notify the instructor of the exact assignment type and unit number when it is submitted. If you are submitting a late assignment you will need to notify me when it is submitted. Otherwise you run the risk of not receiving points for the assignment. All late assignments need to be by the Tuesday of Week 9 – No exceptions. Any questions?
Grading Criteria: Weekly Seminar, Units 1 – 95 points each Weekly Discussion, Units 1 – 9 50 points each Project 1, Week 3175 points Exam 150 points Final Project, Week 9180 points Projects are very important to your grade. You will need to read the assignments in the course ahead of time and we sure that you plan the time to turn in a thorough, complete and on-time project. Read and follow the rubric for each project before you start. The course exam is multiple choice and essay. Most of the points come from multiple choice. Any questions? Shall we start now with an introduction to the subject of cognitive psychology?
What is Cognitive Psychology? The scientific study of mental processes: how we think. “Cognitive Psychology refers to all processes by which sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and used.”
Questions we ask in cognitive psychology What is attention? How long do memories last? How can we make memories last longer? What is the capacity of memory? How do people understand language? How do people make decisions?
Specific Applications of Cognitive Psychology Computer science – How do we build an intelligent system? Sales – How are beliefs and desires constructed? Design – What makes an object easy to use? Mental health – How can thoughts be reshaped to be more healthy? Teaching – How do people best learn? Art – What devices do people use to perceive? Law – What are the pitfalls of eye-witness testimony?
Cognitive psychology emerges 1956 In contrast to the behaviorists, cognitive psychologists believe that unobservable mental entities can be scientifically studied Unobservable entities are a major component of models that cognitive psychologists use to simulate and explain processes such as word and object recognition
Why do we study memory, thinking, language & intelligence? The processes of memory, thinking, language and intelligence are important in our adaptation to our environment. These processes are necessary for communication and communication is necessary for us to succeed in life. In order to understand cognition we need to understand the biological structures and how they relate to thinking, memory, language, etc. The major structures are the brain and nervous system and the structures involved in our senses.
The Central Nervous System Brain. Spinal cord. –A collection of neurons and supportive tissue running from the base of the brain down the center of the back –Protected by spinal column.
Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex
QUESTION Explain how the lobes work together to create thoughts and movement.
QUESTION How much control do we have over our cognitive function?
Sigmund Freud and the Concept of the Unconscious Mind Sigmund Freud ( ): Austria Founded Psychoanalytic school of thought Emphasis on unconscious processes influencing behavior Unconscious = outside awareness
QUESTION How can psychology professionals use this information to better assist clients?
Any last questions? Are there any questions that I missed?