GCRC Informatics Project Sponsor: Dr. Paul Harris, GCRC Informatics Director Members: Chris Heath, BME/EE Adam Nagel, CompE Chris Nash, EE Brendan Soar, CompE January 29, nd Spring Presentation
Progress this week RS232 communication –Trial-and-error –Dinamap tech support Database access –Alternate methods for PDA –NI tech support –Possible publicity deal
PDA Solution Graffiti, Touch screen PDA SQL Server Dinamap Monitor Serial commands Data User Commands Device Status Data
RS-232 communication with Pro 1000 vital signs monitor Basic ASCII communication via Hyperterminal was unsuccessful To verify the functionality of serial port, created hyperterminal session to another pc via null modem connection.
DB9 Pinout Connections Signal Ground Female Pins PC Side Male Pins Dinamap Side Receive Data Send Data Attempted to verify functionality of isolator by bypassing it and creating DB9-DB9 connection Required switching of pinouts to create appropriate connection
LabVIEW Serial Communication
Serial Communication Triumphs To verify the connection, we had the machine print binary garbage to RS232 Once the settings were correct, we were able to trigger readings and receive messages Successfully triggered measurement and read heart rate
Successful Communication Hyperterminal communication unsuccessful due to lack of ability to append carriage returns Labview communication successful after realization that Dinamap utilizes “\r” instead of “\n” as carriage return Basic command layout: “uxxy…ycc\r” –u=unit address (\s) –xx=command code (in caps) –y….y=settings (not always present) –cc=check sum (determined by provided algorithm) –\r=carriage return
MySQL connectivity No ODBC for PocketPC DALP (Database Access Libraries for PDAs) –C++ libraries for MySQL connectivity –Designed to run on PocketPC LabVIEW “Call Library Function” node –Allows calling of functions in external.DLL files Database connectivity within LabVIEW VI +
For Next Week Develop LabVIEW VI to send/receive data Work on MySQL connection Establish PDA connection with b net RS232 Bluetooth adaptor in mail Experiment with Bluetooth RS232 No meeting with advisor –Meet with assistant if adaptor arrives