Substance Misuse Treatment Framework – Needle Exchange Implications for planning and practice Carry Burton North Wales Needle Syringe Programme & Harm Reduction Service Manager Office Tel: April 2011
Needle Exchange Service Framework 2005 Prevent transmission of BBVs Preventing the sharing of injecting equipment Limit sexual transmission of viral infections Attracting people into treatment Reduce drug-related death and prevent overdose
Service Framework for NSP in Wales 2011 Response to service user need Response to international evidence Response to national guidance and examples of best practice
Updated WAG Guidance WAG Service Framework 2011 Part of the Harm Reduction Compendium Over-arching view of harm reduction principles across Wales –BBV prevention testing and treatment –OD prevention –Safer injecting –Sexual health –Etc
Service Models Statutory and voluntary service provision Pharmacy Community Drug Teams Outreach/mobile unit Vending Machine Police custody suites Hospitals Secondary distribution/peer-led Etc
Not Just Needles & Syringes Paraphernalia Sharps boxes Alternatives to injecting (foil/UYB) Safer injecting advice Safer sex advice Wound care/ antibiotic prescribing Hep B vaccinations DBS Testing Break the Cycle
Range of Equipment Provided
NSP & Young People year olds Under-16s
The Way Forward Look at existing service provision Highlight gaps Use research as examples of good practice to help develop services Use WAG guidance to make recommendations for service development