Noemi Saenz Info Tech 5 th
Job Title Analyze users' needs then design test & develop software to meet those needs. Design & plan each piece of application of a software program & how they will work together. Work with other people (computer specialists) that can help make a more efficient software.
Environment Most software developers work full time Long hours are common Some work in computer/electronic making industries, others telecommute. (work away from office).
Training, Certification &/or other training needed for this job: Education- SD’s usually have a bachelor’s degree in computer science and are strong in programming skills. Must have a strong background in computer programming which they usually learn in school.
Job Outlook Projected to grow 30% percent more from (faster than average). Reason for quick growth is because demand for technology is growing.
Earnings & Wages Average annual pay for SD’s is $87,790 In May 2010 the lowest earned less than $54,360 and highest earned more than $133,110 (annually).
Employment SD’s should see an increase in jobs because new technology is always coming up and there will be more software developers needed.
Significant Points In 2010, ¼ of SD’s, worked nearly 40 hours a week. You will most likely be hired if you have an up-to-date knowledge of new programming tools.
Summary Slide Do I want to enter this career field? I want to enter this career field because this career seems interesting, & I like to work with technology.
Sited Sources U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Wednesday, July 18, Found on December 12,