Progress of Task Force on Health Expectancies (TF-HE) Joint meeting of the Networks of CA and WPL Jan 30-31 2007 Carol Jagger Jean-Marie Robine.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress of Task Force on Health Expectancies (TF-HE) Joint meeting of the Networks of CA and WPL Jan Carol Jagger Jean-Marie Robine

Task Force on Health Expectancies Historical development of TF-HE 1st meeting 25 January nd meeting 8 June rd meeting 12 December 2006 –Election of lead (JM Robine) and deputy (C Jagger) –Secretariat provided by EHEMU project to June 2007 and EHLEIS project from July 2007 Subsequent meetings biannually

Task Force on Health Expectancies Mandate of TF-HE Within the Public Health Programme to assure the quality of the whole process of Healthy Life Years (HLY) HLY is one of a set of Structural Indicators developed in 2005 to provide the objective assessment of progress made towards the Lisbon Strategy. HLY (a disability-free life expectancy) –measures the number of remaining years that a person of a certain age should live without disability –introduces the concept of quality of life –in order to increase HLY and reduce gaps between population groups

Task Force on Health Expectancies SANCO drives development and uses Eurostat collects required data and annually computes Healthy Life Years Structural Indicator - HLY- EU Public Health Programme TF-HE assures quality of the whole Commission Services use in policy Countries use it nationally

Task Force on Health Expectancies Operationalisation of the mandate Data acquisition Calculation of HLY Understanding of its meaning including limitations Use by Commission Services and Countries Anticipating short and long term developments to improve –quality (objective v subjective measures: HES v HIS) –relevance (decomposition by population subgroups or cause) Coordinating current activities, early development (HLY by SES, new survey) and research (decomposition by cause, objective measures from HES, …) Quality is assured by defining and disseminating good practice including:

Task Force on Health Expectancies Resources of TF-HE Public Health projects related to HLY TF members (one member per country, SANCO, Eurostat)

Task Force on Health Expectancies Projects within the TF-HE European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit (EHEMU) European Policy Information Research on Mental Disorders (EPREMED) European Health and Life Expectancy Information System (EHLEIS)

Task Force on Health Expectancies Projects within the TF-HE European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit (EHEMU) European Policy Information Research on Mental Disorders (EPREMED) –Workpackage on data synthesis including mental health expectancy European Health and Life Expectancy Information System (EHLEIS) –Monitor and explore gender gaps and inequalities in health expectancies

Task Force on Health Expectancies Format of TF-HE meetings Three sections Section 1 – Update on HLY –New developments (SANCO) –Data availability and new calculations (Eurostat) –Use by the Commission (other DGs) Section 2 - Health expectancies in MS –Presentations from 3 MS with varying national experience Section 3 – Report from TF –Update of relevant projects supporting HLY (e.g. EHEMU, EHLEIS, EPREMED, ….)

Task Force on Health Expectancies HLY in the Lisbon Strategy EUROSTAT Official HLY estimates HLY in the Public Health Programme SANCO HLY in other EU programmes Associated projects EHEMU, EPREMED, EHLEIS,… TF-HE Website Links to: Working parties mutual links