Junior Achievement of South Dakota Volunteer Training
JA Volunteer Training Today’s training: Prepare you for your JA classroom experience Overview of JA Valuable Time with a Community Mentor/Trainer Sl. 2
JA Volunteer Training Purpose: To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. Sl. 3 Three Pillars of Student Success: Entrepreneurship Financial Literacy Work Readiness
JA of South Dakota JA of South Dakota serves over 50,000 students in over 30 Communities. Sl. 4
Programs Elementary 5 sessions minutes each Flexible Scheduling K – JA Ourselves 1 st – JA Our Families 2 nd – JA Our Communities 3 rd – JA Our City 4 th – JA Our Region 5 th – JA Our Nation Sl. 5
Programs Middle School 6 sessions 45 minutes each JA Economics for Success JA It’s My Future JA Global Marketplace (Kit) JA Global Marketplace (Digital) JA It’s My Business! Sl. 6
Programs High School 5-13 sessions minutes each JA Be Entrepreneurial JA Career Success JA Company Program JA Exploring Economics JA Excelling through Ethics JA Personal Finance (Kit) JA Personal Finance (Digital) JA Titan Sl. 7
About JA Curriculums One thing we know about learning is that the person who does the work of learning is the person who learns the most! Sl. 8 Junior Achievement Curriculums: Pre-designed and printed Volunteer Guidebook All have the same 3-primary steps of presentation format Additional resources are available to help you prepare session-by-session
Format of a JA Session Sl. 9
Format of a JA Session Sl st Step – The “Introduction” Volunteer explains learning goal, offers instructions, and models the thinking required to complete the activity.
Format of a JA Session Sl nd Step – The “Activity” Volunteer monitors students’ work, listens to their thinking, and encourages cooperation and creativity.
Format of a JA Session Sl rd Step – The “Summary & Review” Volunteer invites learners to discuss how the activity supported them in achieving the learning goal.
Format of a JA Session Sl. 13
JA Volunteer and Classroom Teacher Roles Sl. 14 Volunteer: Leads all lessons Share relevant life experiences Present JA lessons Nov 1-Feb 29 Upon completion of lessons, JA the verbiage at bottom of page Classroom Teacher: Remains in the classroom Takes care of discipline issues Assists with activities Stimulates class discussion
FAQs and Classroom Management & Teaching Tips Sl. 15
Kit Exploration Sl. 16
Kit Exploration Sl. 17
Kit Exploration Sl. 18
Resources JASD Website: Teaching Tips Community Grade-level Mentors/Trainers and/or Program Chairs JA State Office Sl. 19
Resources JASD Website: Sl. 20
How We Teach – School Expectations Reality of schools today Ethnic / Cultures Differences Technology Driven Acknowledge Good Behavior Vs. Fear Factor Every Class/School is… Different Collaboration / Team Work Sl. 21
How We Teach Six Teaching Technique Articles Pages 9 – 20 Sl. 22
What is Next? Tomorrow… Contact your teacher to establish your observation and visit dates; then the dates to Sl. 23
JA Closing Video Sl Click on “WHAT DO YOU WANT IN LIFE?” icon in lower left-hand corner of main page
Best practices… Sl. 25 It’s helpful to... Remember to… Communicate, communicate, communicate! Be on time Be Prepared
Thank You! Sl. 26