1 Institutional Web Management: About the Parallel Sessions Brian Kelly University of BathURL: Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC’s Electronic Libraries Programme and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.
2 About the Parallel Sessions Summary: Five parallel sessions will be held from on Wednesday afternoon Agenda and timings determined by coordinators Will provide: –Opportunity for discussions and debate –Opportunity for more in-depth coverage of topics –Recommendations for future work Reporters will summarise on Thursday morning Topics: –Institutional Web Design– Metadata Management –Server Management– Web Tools –Management Issues
3 A - Metadata Management Session Aims: Identify why metadata is needed Review current metadata standards Discuss models for managing metadata Agree on steps forwards Opportunity to see examples of metadata applications and metadata management software About the Session: Mixture of presentations, hands-on and paper exercises and group discussions Coordinated by Andy Powell and Brian Kelly, UKOLN
4 B - Server Management Session Aims: To provide an opportunity for Web server administrators to discuss topics of interest. To describe and discuss models and tools for institutional web indexing. To describe and discuss web security issues To describe and discuss caching models and tools. To discover how other institutions are managing their web servers. About the Session: Mixture of presentations and group discussions Coordinated by Andrew Cormack, Cardiff and Helen Varley Sargan, Cambridge
5 C - Institutional Web Design Session Aims: To allow participants to develop a critique of institutional web design through practical analysis and discussion To demonstrate, consider and discuss methods of creating effective web content from existing documents To look at effective ways of creating and responding to a web design brief, through presentations and practical work. To give participants the opportunity to see how other institutions are tackling these issues About the Session: Mixture of presentations, hands-on exercises and group discussion Coordinated by Andrew Aird, Goldsmiths College Includes contributions from commercial web designers
6 D - Web Tools Session Aims: To provide an opportunity for participants to try out a range of web tools which may be new to them. To discuss issues related to the provision and support of various types of web tools. To advise the UCISA-SG Web Tools group. To try out some of the services described by speakers during the workshop About the Session: Mixture of presentations, hands-on and paper exercises and group discussions Coordinated by David Lomas, Salford and Dave Hartland, Netskills
7 E - Management Issues Session Aims: To provide advice, guidelines and practical tips on managing a WWW service Identify key areas where further work can be done at a community wide level, and suggest some practical future activities About the Session: Mixture of presentations, hands-on and paper exercises and group discussions Will cover information flow, acceptable use policies, supporting information providers, role of a "Webmaster" and promoting web services Coordinated by Colin Work, Southampton and Damon Querry, Newcastle
8 Questions?