Notes 3.7 Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers In order to divide fractions and mixed numbers you must be good at multiplying fractions and mixed numbers, so, review your multiplying skills. To divide one fraction by another fraction, multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
Two fractions are reciprocals if their product is 1. So, 5/8 and 8/5 are reciprocals because 5*8=40= To divide two mixed numbers, first rewrite them as improper fractions. Then multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. If you are multiplying by a whole number, put the whole number over 1.
Examples: 1)9 / 3 = 9 * 4 = 36 = A good problem to use cancellation. 2) 4½ / 3¼= 9 / 13 = 9 * 4 = 36 = 1 5/
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homework answers 6)B 7) D 8) C 9) A 10) 1/6 11) 1 24/25 12) 20 13) 4/11 14) 3/7 15) 1 17/39 16) 12 17) ¾ 18) 5/9 19) 1/5 20)3/8 21) 1½ 22) 1/7 23)8/3 24) 6 servings with 6/15 oz. left over
25) 2 1/24 ft.; 1½ times 26) A 27) C 28) $27¼ Chapter Review 1) 18 2) 30 3) 176 4) 360 5)6 4/5 6) 17/2 7) )22/9 9) 2 5/12 ft. 10) 2 7/10 ft. 11) 7 1/24 12) 6 13/56 13) 5¾ 14) 13/15
15) 6 9/10 million 16) ½ million 17) 7/12 18) 20 44/45 m 2 19) ) 6m+12; 30, 30 21) 5/6 22) 9 23/24 in. Chapter Assessment 1)90 2) 210 3) 204 4) 360 5)A=1 1/5, 6/5, 1.2 B=1 4/5, 9/5, 1.8
C=2½, 5/2, 2.5 D=2 9/10, 29/10, 2.9 E=3 1/10, 31/10, 3.1 F=3 7/10, 37/10, 3.7 6)1/3 7) 5 2/7 8) 11 1/6 9)2 3/20 10) 17/18 11) ½ 12)2 5/8 13) 1 17/27 14) 10 1/12 15) 7/10 16) 1 5/7
17) 52½ 18) 4 19) 2 1/27 21) 1 1/18 22) 1/6 23) 2½ 24) 2m+12 25) 8t+40 26) 12p+23p or 35p 27) downhill 28) 5/24 29) downhill: 18, cross country: 8, jet: 4, water: 12; in each case, multiply the portion by the total number of people, ) 6; 1/8x48=6
STP 1)B 2) C 3)C 4)B 5)D 6)B 7)C 8)A