2003 Paul M. VanRaden Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Comparison of Longevity and Fertility Trait Definitions in Theory and Simulation
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (2) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Goals Compare methods to evaluate non- normally distributed traits Linear analysis of length of time Binomial analysis of culling rate Survival analysis for log(culling rate) Try to understand parameters Evaluate sires from simulated data
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (3) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Current Longevity Evaluations Linear animal or sire models Binomial culling rate – Single EBV = c (SWE, Cornell) – Multiple EBV = c t (CAN, AUS, IRL) Productive life – Single EBV = 1/c (USA, GBR, ISR) – Multiple EBV = 1/c t (NZL) Non-linear sire-MGS models Survival analysis – Single EBV = log(c * env t ) (DEU, FRA, NLD, ITA, BEL, CHE)
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (4) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Animal vs Sire-MGS Models Value of maternal relatives Average of 5 maternal brothers for bulls proven in USA Extra info is worth daughters when heritability is low (.10 to.03) Animal vs sire models differ more than linear vs non-linear (Boettcher et al 1999 JDS 82:1034) All relatives or non-linear math?
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (5) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Distribution of Longevity
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (6) P.M. VanRaden 2003 ≤ 50 ≥ 250 Distribution of Days Open Holstein Calvings Cows culled for reproductive reasons
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (7) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Toss Coin Until Head Observed
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (8) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Maximum Likelihood Define fraction of cows culled in each lactation = c and number of lactations survived by cow i = y i Prob(y i | c) = c (1 – c) (Yi – 1) ML estimate of c = n / Σ y i Linear estimate of (1/c) = Σ y i / n Culling rate is just reciprocal of number of lactations (no info lost)
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (9) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Prior Distributions Sire effects normal for: Number of lactations (linear model) Culling rate (binomial model) Log of culling rate (survival model) Differences are small if heritability is low Prob (y | c) can be the same, but Prob (c) differs
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (10) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Comparison of Priors
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (11) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Simulated Data 500 sires with daughters, 10 replicates Sire effects normal for log (c /.33) BV for log(relative risk) transformed to culling rate and longevity by non-linear formulas True BV had product-moment (linear) correlations of.98 to.995. What scale should MACE work on?
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (12) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Simulation Results Heritability estimates.106 for number of lactations.038 for culling rate (per lactation).091 for log(number of lactations) True accuracy, or corr (EBV, BV).72 for number of lactations.72 for culling rate.70 for log(number of lactations)
Interbull Workshop March 2-3, 2003 (13) P.M. VanRaden 2003 Conclusions Including all relatives is more important when heritability is low EBV from repeated binomial models are reciprocals of PL True reliabilities are similar, but reported reliabilities differ slightly Linear functions of data seem OK