Training Overview Pro QA: Priority Medical Dispatch “Coding” of a Call: Categories of calls “Determinant Codes” Kootenai County Specifics Identify changes to Dispatch Radio announcement of calls
Definitions: Pro QA: Proprietary name to Priority Dispatch Systems' process for collection of 911 info, assigning a call determinate and defining level of response for the specific event. Police, Fire and EMS. Determinant Code: Call classifications designed to determine level of response. ECHO, DELTA, CHARLIE, BRAVO, ALPHA, and OMEGA. CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch AVL: Automatic Vehicle Locator EMD: Emergency Medical Dispatch PDI: Post Dispatch Interview: Pre – Post Dispatch process
Pro QA: Medical Priority Dispatch A Software mechanism designed for incoming 911 calls. Allows Dispatchers to methodically process call information and formally assign it an appropriate response. Used for Police, Fire and EMS call event data and processing through 911 Provides an Internationally recognized Quality Assurance process for Dispatch performance measurement with consistent call assignment
Pro QA: How does it work? 911 Call Event Entry Asking Key Questions Pre-Arrival (PAI) Instructions Post-Dispatch Instructions (PDI) “Close Case” with option for future QA / Review Pro QA: Used by 56,000+ Communication Center Professionals, Communication Centers In 45 Countries, 21 languages around the globe.
911 Dispatch Call taker Demonstration Click Here 1st for Raw 911 Call Video Click Here 1st for Raw 911 Call Video Click Here 2nd for Detailed Review Video Click Here 2nd for Detailed Review Video Stroke Call: 911 Call and Dispatcher actions during the PAI and PDI 1: Raw 911 Call 2: Bottom: Detailed Review of EMD Actions steps
Priority Dispatch Response Call “Determinant” determines or identifies response of units to event Response Options are: All Units Emergency Closest Emergency, other units non-emergency All units Non-emergency Single unit non-emergency
Pro QA Baseline Example Determinates establish the appropriate response Central Dispatch will assign and advise the type of call determinate that has been selected in the voicing of event Departments have options in how they set up “Call Response Cards” to fulfill the desired response for EACH type of call.
Determinant Descriptions: PAI and PDI provide clarity for Dispatch to further classify call and provide best Information and most appropriate response to 911 call for assistance
PRO QA: Structure Fire Click Here for Video Click Here for Video Click Here for Video Click Here for Video 911 call Structure FireStructure Fire: Step by Step
Kootenai County Matrix
Run Cards: AGENCY SPECIFIC F1-M, F1-A, F1-F, F1-C Fire Nature Codes1st Alarm2nd Alarm3rd Alarm4th Alarm AIRCRAFT BE111, M11, CF107E131, E141, M13, F1V, F1DC E323, BC3, E522, M52, M31, CF901 AIRCRAFT DE111, E131, E141, M11, M13, CF107 E323,BC3, E522, M52, M31, F1V, F1DC, CF901E721, E322 FIRE ALARM BE111, M11, CF107E131, E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31, F1CFE721, E322 FIRE ALARM CL111, E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, E522, E323, BC3, F1V, F1DCE721, E322 FIRE ASSIST OE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 FIRE ASSIST AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 UTILITY PROB OE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 UTILITY PROB AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 UTILITY PROB CE111, E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 Detailed data for EACH agency specifically coded to provide computer with correct response to specific event based on Determinant level. Agency assigns appropriate response for units and Code or Non-Code for those responding units based on call determinates
F1-M, F1-A, F1-F, F1-C Fire Nature Codes1st Alarm2nd Alarm3rd Alarm4th Alarm AIRCRAFT BE111, M11, CF107E131, E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE323, BC3, E522, M52, M31, CF901 AIRCRAFT DE111, E131, E141, M11, M13, CF107E323,BC3, E522, M52, M31, F1V, F1DC, CF901E721, E322 FIRE ALARM BE111, M11, CF107E131, E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31, F1CFE721, E322 FIRE ALARM CL111, E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, E522, E323, BC3, F1V, F1DCE721, E322 FIRE ASSIST OE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 FIRE ASSIST AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 UTILITY PROB OE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 UTILITY PROB AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 UTILITY PROB CE111, E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 FIRE ASSIST AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 FIRE ASSIST BE111, M11E131, E141, M13, CF107, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 FIRE ASSIST CE111, E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 TECH RESCUE BE111, M11E131, E141, M13, CF107, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 TECH RESCUE CE111, E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 TECH RESCUE DE111, E131, E141, M11, M13, CF107E323, BC3, E522, M52, F1V, F1DCE721, E322 ELECTRIC HAZ AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 ELECTRIC HAZ BE111, M11E131, E141, M13, CF107, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 ELECTRIC HAZ CE111, E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 ELEVATOR OE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 ELEVATOR AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 ELEVATOR BE111, M11E131, E141, M13, CF107, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 ELEVATOR DE111, E131, E141, M11, M13, CF107E323,BC3, E522, M52, F1V, F1DCE721, E322 EXPLOSIVES BE111, M11E131, E141, M13, CF107, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 EXPLOSIVES DE111, E131, E141, M11, M13, CF107E323, BC3, E522, M31, F1V, F1DCE721, E322 ACC INDUST OE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 ACC INDUST AE111E131, M11, CF107E141, M13, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31 ACC INDUST BE111, M11E131, E141, M13, CF107, F1V, F1DCE522, E323, BC3, M31E721, E322 ACC INDUST DE111, E131, E141, M11, M13, CF107E323,BC3, E522, M52, F1V, F1DCE721, E322
Central Dispatch Over Air Changes: Central Dispatch will sound different when they dispatch calls SAMPLE Over air Call dispatch from Central: EMS Old EMS NEW Fire Structure Old Fire Structure New
Stroke Call Dispatch Demo Current Stroke Dispatch Current Stroke Dispatch PRO QA Stroke Dispatch PRO QA Stroke Dispatch
Fire Response: Central Dispatch Current Structure Fire Dispatch Current Structure Fire Dispatch PRO QA Structure Fire PRO QA Structure Fire
Review Pro QA: Priority Medical Dispatch “Coding” of a Call: Categories of calls “Determinant Codes” Kootenai County Specifics Identify changes to Dispatch Radio announcement of calls
Will Pro QA process delay response… Tualatin FPD Results Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District Priority Dispatch Implementation Study Period Before Implementation After Implementation Cases Lights-and-Siren 905 (100%) 406 (38%) No Lights-and-Siren 0 (0%) 651 (62%) Response Time 4:31 4:58 (10% increase) Time difference after implementation = 27 seconds.