A Walk Through History
discovered and named cells
disproved spontaneous generation (living things cannot come from non-living things)
“Father of microscopy” Made the first microscope
“Father of taxonomy” (how we classify organisms) Came up with binomial nomenclature (2 part naming system)
Discovered the nucleus inside the cell
discovered that all plants are made of cells
Figured out that all animals are made of cells
discovered that all cells come from other cells
Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow together made the cell theory
Known for his theory of evolution Came up with the concept of natural selection “survival of the fittest”
“Father of heredity” (genetics) He bred pea plants and found out how traits are passed from parent to offspring
Created the first vaccines to prevent diseases Came up with the process of pasteurization
Discovered how cells reproduce and called it mitosis
Together they discovered the structure of DNA (DNA is a double helix -spiral staircase)
First environmentalist who fought for safe drinking water Created the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Cloned the first sheep in 1997 named Dolly