I can revise a text in order to create a cohesive meaning. (BR) I can summarize a passage in order to determine the author’s purpose. (poem and WFA) I can analyze how inference creates meaning in text. (poem and WFA) I can evaluate how imagery adds meaning to the work as a whole.( poem and WFA) I can create a five paragraph essay using claim, evidence, and commentary. (essay) Wednesday and Thursday, October 16 and 17, 2013
Bell Ringer (10) Read the questions and all the answer options. Read the passage carefully. Answer questions 57,58, and 59 on your bell ringer sheet AND explain why you chose that answer. Place this under the bell ringer section in your binder
Number School textbooks expound democratic principles, and so emphasizing equality over hierarchy and rationalism over tradition; but in practice these values are often sometimes distorted particularly by the youth that translated the individualistic and humanistic goals of democracy into egoistic and materialistic ones. A. No Change B. had been misinterpreted and distorted often C. often misinterpreted and distorted D. are often misinterpreted and distorted
answer D) Often sometimes is not a positive phrase in English because the two words have opposite meanings. You have to eliminate one or the other.
Number School textbooks expound democratic principles, and so emphasizing equality over hierarchy and rationalism over tradition; but in practice these values are often sometimes distorted particularly by the youth that translated the individualistic and humanistic goals of democracy into egoistic and materialistic ones. F. No Change G. that translate H. who translate J. translate
answer H) The original contains two errors. First, the past tense translated is inconsistent with the present-tense verbs in the rest of the paragraph. Second, who should replace that because it refers to people.
What type of discussion might follow the last paragraph? A. A discussion of goals of Japanese youth. B. A discussion of Western democratic principles. C. A discussion of Western education. D. A discussion of World War 11.
answer A) In the last paragraph, the author introduces the topic of Japanese youth. It would be appropriate for the discussion to continue along these lines.
Poetry Groups 15 Minutes to Complete 1. Read your poem. 2. Highlight all of the uses of imagery and figurative language. 3. Then briefly state how the imagery adds meaning to the text as a whole. 4. Summarize the poem. What is the speaker’s intention? How do you know? Give line numbers and textual evidence to support your claim. 5. Make an inference of what the speaker will do next. I can evaluate how imagery adds meaning to the work as a whole. I can summarize a passage in order to determine the author’s purpose. I can analyze how inference creates meaning in text.
WFA (15 minutes) Read the questions carefully. Then read the passage. Answer the questions on your own paper. Check yourself before entering your answers into the clickers. I can summarize a passage in order to determine the author’s purpose. I can analyze how inference creates meaning in text. I can evaluate how imagery adds meaning to the work as a whole.
Claim, Evidence, and Commentary Chains (5 minutes) Make a keychain or a bracelet to represent the parts of the five paragraph essay. Red- introduction Green- transition Purple-claim Gray- evidence Pink-commentary Yellow- conclusion
Essay Time 45 minutes Use the text “Contents of a Dead Man’s Pocket” for your evidence. Prompt: Write an essay in which you name at least three ways in which Finney creates intense, hold-your-breath suspense. Consider the effects of the setting and the story’s title. Be sure to use evidence from the story to support your ideas. I can create a five paragraph essay using claim, evidence, and commentary.