Procedures and Rules
Who is this teacher as a person?
What will I be doing this year? We will be covering many other small piece of lieterature, but these are the major pieces…
What are the rules in this classroom?
Be in class when the tardy bell rings. Rule #1
Bring ALL necessary materials to class daily. Rule #2
Use acceptable language at all times. Rule #3
Be respectful of everyone in the class. Rule #4
Request permission to leave your seat. Rule #5
Special Guidelines..
-A stress free learning environment -A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere -SAIL rewards cards that you can redeem… Following these rules will result in…
NOT following these guidelines means… 1 st incident: Warning and name on board 2 nd incident: check by name; 30 min detention afterschool Friday 3 rd incident: 2 nd check by name, 45 minute detention afterschool Friday; phone call home 4 th incident: Referral form to the office, phone call home
Detention-What will I be doing? -Old gum under the desks+ a single scraper = a “fun” 30 or 45 minutes on a Friday after school…No excuses. “But I have practice… I have a club meeting….” won’t excuse you! Filling out a “My action plan” to send home for parents signature (required!) added to your file. At the teacher’s discretion a 3 page essay may be required. *Remember, you CHOSE to break the rule!
Procedures What am I expected to do in Ms. Sicard’s class?
Entering the classroom Please enter quietly. Have a seat. Take out your materials. Phones placed on the corner of the desk, turned off, faced down. If you move it, I take it. Respect others property. Tampering with someone else’s phone will result in severe consequences. Review the agenda/HW and write them down in your planner- I check these every week. Begin bellwork assignment. I check these every week.
Coming to attention “Give me 5” I will… Stand in front of the class. Raise my hand. Wait for everyone to be quiet. You will… *Stop talking. *Eyes on me *Raise your hand
Absences Do not come ask me what you missed. The morning you get back, check the make up bin. Have questions? Ask after class. Only excused absences can make up the work. Need to send a doctor’s note to the office within 2 days. You have one week to make up work. Make up tests are given every Wednesday after school.
Late Work I don’t accept it. End of story. Consider this when you have 100 point assignments…Any assignment not turned in (unless you are deathly sick) on the due date will receive a 0.
Tardies Enter QUIETLY Sign the board- with date and time Don’t forget to clip any notes from the office or another teacher to the clipboard Take your seat and start work immediately with the rest of class Repeated tardies will result in detention…
Leaving the classroom The bell does not dismiss you, I do. “People who pack fast, shall leave last.”
Bathroom Policy Need 5 sail cards to use the bathroom….so no sail cards, no bathroom!
Heading your paper Use MLA format on everything you turn in… Amy Smith Ms. Sicard English I Period 1 20 August 2013
Plagiarism Passing off anyone else’s ideas as your own will result in a 0. No cliff notes, spark notes, shmoop, etc. should appear in your paper in any form. Extreme cases will result in an phone call home, detention, and even an office referral. Cheating of any kind will result in a 0.
Every week check my Teacher Web ardM/t.aspx Every week I post lesson plans. Check these if your absent for work you missed. I attach important documents on my website.
‘I’m finished with my work. What do I do?’ -Make a crossword puzzle from vocabulary words with an answer key -Make a 12 line poem -Write a 3 page short story -Read an approved book of your choice -Work on ENGLISH HW for the next day You will be able to turn in the written assignments for bonus points…
Get Ready… All major procedures will be rehearsed and rehearsed in class in the next few days…a group assignment and participation points will come from this as well as a test.
Rewards/Redeem SAIL cards 5 sail cards- BR pass 10 sail cards- Remove 1 tardy 10 sail cards- HW pass (doesn’t count for major assignments) 15 sail cards-1 food OR drink pass
And last but not least… Summer Reading… Test Monday, August 19!