AS Media Studies MS1: Media Representations and Responses Please have your folders, paper and a pen out ready to start the session.
Homework – Website task p20 Task: Choose an appropriate website and identify the key features of it using the terms below. Make a note of the website’s name and what you found out. Deskwork: Write 3 points about what you found out on the paper provided.
Introduction to Media Analysis Session 6: Print Media Analysis Film Posters and DVD Covers
Objectives To analyse film posters and DVD covers using appropriate terminology
Purpose of Film Posters and DVD Covers?
Film Posters and DVD Covers You cannot use the specific terms that are associated with newspapers/magazines to describe film posters and DVD covers, but you still need to analyse their visual codes, layout & design and written codes in detail. There are also other terms and ideas that can help you to analyse these type of texts.
Starter Activity Key Terms Dominoes Match the key terms with the examples to use all the dominoes. Use the information you have to complete the table on p21.
Pair/Small Group Task Analyse the film posters for Winter’s Bone and Unknown. Make notes commenting on the use of: visual codes layout and design language and mode of address other methods used to attract an audience You must use at least 5 of the key terms on p21 You will be assessed on the clarity of points and depth of analysis.
Assessment of Analysis Swap posters with another group and assess their analysis using stars and reward sheets. Give the group stars for any: use of key terms (1 star per key term used correctly) good, clear points linked to the task (1 star per point) detailed analysis (1 star for points showing depth of analysis) consideration of how the text attracts an audience (1 star for each point about this)
Sharing and Summarising Information Add 2 points to the poster you’ve just assessed. Give posters and reward sheets back and summarise the key points in your booklet on p22.
Which group has the most stars?
Homework Revise information about AUDIENCES for the formal assessment next week. The formal assessment will be a timed response to an exam question. There will be time in the session for you to identify and assess exemplar responses to a similar question before you are given the actual assessment. Think about the feedback you received for your advertising analysis – what do you need to do to improve?