Do Now: What is globalization? Brainstorm at least one potential positive and negative effect of globalization. Announcement: QUIZ ON TUESDAY- Maps: know the 4 attributes, the 4 type of projections and what they distort. Know how to read thematic maps. Culture: know what components fall under culture, the 2 cultural ecology theories, how the environment impacts culture Globalization: what is it/prerequisites/effects & tensions
Globalization The force/process that involves the entire world and results in making something global in scope
Scale: not just for maps Local scale: unique features Global scale: broad patterns Q: how has globalization impacted scale?
Economic Globalization Most economic activities in different regions are now intertwined Ex: choice of crop grown in town A influenced by consumer choice in town B
Transnational Corporations Companies that conduct research, operate factories, and sell products in many countries, not just where its headquarters/shareholders are located
Globalization article Please read the globalization article and answer the questions on the last page on a separate sheet of paper to be handed in for a grade. Please put your period # on the paper Be prepared to discuss/feel free to take additional notes, but do not write on the paper.
The Global Economy Pre-reqs Effects Fall of communism Modern technology Communication Ability to move money Companies have more power First global recession Specialization What else?
Globalization of Culture Changes in religion and language most important Common language needed Global cultural differences still flourish ex: now you can choose to watch t.v. shows from all over the world Unequal access to global culture
The underlying tension Promoting global exchange vs. maintaining local traditions