Oh Island Fox! Simulation Lab What is a simulation lab?
Oh Island Fox! Simulation Lab o A simulation lab is a lab where you pretend you are something you are not in order to collect data to help you understand a science concept. o Today you will pretend to be an Island Fox.
What is data?
o Data are facts and numbers we collect and analyze to try and understand something. o Today we will collect fox population data for 20 generations.
Oh Island Fox! Simulation Lab What are the three main requirements for survival, for the Island Fox, and all living animals?
Oh Island Fox! Simulation Lab The three main requirements for survival, for the Island Fox, and all living animals are: 1.Food 2.Water 3.Shelter
Lab Simulation Directions 1.Line up on the sidewalk and number off 1 to 4. 2.One of the numbers will become the original foxes on one side of the field and the other numbers will become habitat components, like food, water, and shelter, on the other side of the field behind the ropes.
Lab Simulation Directions 3.Every student selects a habitat component of food, water, or shelter, and makes the symbol using their hands.
Lab Simulation Directions 3.When I say “Turn around and go!” you must run to the other side and tap the matching symbol and bring the person back to the fox population side. 4.The scientist will count the fox population and tell the recorder to write down the data for every generation for 20 generations.
Lab Simulation Directions The symbol for food is your hand over your stomach.
Lab Simulation Directions The symbol for water is your hand over your mouth.
Lab Simulation Directions The symbol for shelter is your hands over your head in the shape of a house.
Lab Simulation Directions o Remember to change the habitat component often so you are unpredictable. o Once you pick your component you are not allowed to change or you might ruin the simulation for everyone.
Lab Simulation Directions Lab Assistants: 1.Scientist 2.Data Recorder