PHYSICAL FITNESS PHYSICAL FITNESS is the result of a regular exercise, proper diet and proper rest for physical recovery. Physical activity improves coordination, improves balance, and burns calories. Physical activity helps you Mentally, Socially, and physically.
Health Triangle Exercises for your Mental health it helps you have more confidence. Exercise for your Social health it helps you fit in better at school. Exercise for your physical health helps you have enough energy day by day.
Why Should You Exercise? So your body can Produce Endorphins to make you happy and feel good. Exercise makes you sleep better It helps burn calories and fat so you can be healthy. It helps you so you don’t get certain diseases. And the best is that its good for your heart!
My Personal Story My Cousin use to be very over weight. In junior high it was really hard for her, kids would not be her friends and they wouldn’t want her to be around them, only because she was bigger. She said it was very hard for me, and I always felt like people were staring. She didn’t do anything for the longest time about being over weight. She mostly didn’t care and just ate junk food. By the time she got to high school she decided she needed to start exercising more and when she did she finally got fit and now she said she feels so much better and feels 10 times better about herself. She thinks even if you aren’t over weight that you should work out just so you feel good about yourself.
Facts about Fitness 1.Helps Brain Power 2.Makes you more to be stress free 3.Exercise gives you energy 4.Fitness can help build better relationships with your family and friends. 5.It helps fights off dieses in your body. 6. Fitness pumps your heart up more. 7.Exercise lets you eat more. 8.It helps your performance with things.