Chapter 21 Inserting and Customizing Quick Parts
3 Building Documents Build a document by inserting properties and fields. Also insert building blocks, which offer predefined content. Create custom building blocks to make your own reusable content. The Quick Parts button enables you to insert the properties, fields, and building blocks.
4 Inserting Quick Parts Click the Quick Parts button in the Text group of the Insert tab to see the building blocks and other parts that you can insert to build a document. Connect to Office Online, if desired, to find additional reusable document content.
5 Inserting Building Blocks Word provides a number of reusable pieces of content called building blocks that you can insert into a document. Click the Quick Parts button in the Text group of the Insert tab and then click Building Blocks Organizer. The Building Blocks Organizer dialog box displays the building block name, gallery to which the building block belongs, its category, and the template in which the building block is stored.
6 Inserting Building Blocks Click a building block to see a preview of it at the right. Click Insert to insert the selected building block. After inserting the building block, replace any placeholder text with your own text.
7 Inserting Building Blocks
8 Sorting Building Blocks The Building Blocks Organizer sorts building blocks according to the Gallery column by default. To sort by another column, click the column heading.
9 Saving a Building Block Save frequently typed information as a custom building block. Formatting and graphics can be saved with the building block. Create and select the information to be saved. Click the Quick Parts button in the Text group of the Insert tab, and click Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery or press Alt + F3.
10 Saving a Building Block Enter a building block name and specify other information in the Create New Building Block dialog box, and click OK. Save the building block in either the default Building Blocks.dotx or Normal.dotm template to make it available in all Word documents.
11 Editing Building Block Properties You can change the properties for a custom building block via the Building Blocks Organizer dialog box. Click the building block to change, and click the Edit Properties button. Make changes in the Modify Building Block dialog box as desired, and click OK.
12 Inserting a Custom Building Block Building blocks you save can be inserted via the Building Blocks Organizer dialog box or the Quick Parts drop-down list.
13 Inserting a Custom Building Block To specify where to insert the custom building block, right-click the building block in the Quick Parts gallery and click the desired location.
14 Modifying Building Blocks To save changes to a building block, you must first insert the building block into the document. Make the desired changes, select the building block content, and then use the same process as when you created the building block to save it with the same name. This process overwrites the original building block.
15 Deleting Building Blocks Delete a building block you no longer need so that it doesn’t occupy space in the Quick Parts gallery. To delete a building block in the Building Blocks Organizer dialog box, open the dialog box by clicking the Quick Parts button in the Text group of the Insert tab. Click the building block to delete, click the Delete button, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.
16 Deleting Building Blocks You also can click the Quick Parts button in the Text group of the Insert tab, right-click the building block to delete, and click Organize and Delete in the shortcut menu. In the Building Blocks Organizer dialog box, click Delete and then click Yes to confirm the deletion when prompted.
17 Checkpoint What button enables you to insert document parts? What is a building block? How do you insert a default building block? Name one type of custom building block you might want to create. How do you create a building block? How do you insert a custom building block?
18 Inserting Fields Fields are placeholders for changing data. In addition to fields used to merge information from a data source, Word offers a variety of other fields for inserting information such as the document Author name or creation data (CreateDate). The field dialog box enables you to insert a field and select field properties, if any.
19 Inserting Fields Position the insertion point where you want to insert the field, and click the Quick Parts button in the Text Group of the Insert tab, and click Field. In the Field dialog box, click the field to insert in the Field names list. If a Field properties section appears, choose the desired settings. Click OK to finish inserting the field.
20 Updating a Field Word automatically updates fields when you open the document. To update a field manually, click the field and then take one of three actions: –Click the Update tab. –Press F9. –Right-click the field and click Update. Press Ctrl + A to select the whole document and then press F9 to update all fields.
21 Checkpoint What is the purpose of a field? How do you insert a field? Describe one way to update a field.
22 Wrap Up Build a document by inserting various document parts. Use the Quick Parts button in the Text group of the Insert tab to insert various parts. A building block is reusable content that can be inserted to build a document. The Building Blocks Organizer enables you to insert and organize available building blocks. After inserting a building block, replace placeholder text with your own text. Save your own formatted text as a custom building block. Insert a custom building block either via the Building Blocks Organizer or the Quick Parts drop- down gallery. To change a custom building block, insert it into the document, make the desired changes, and resave it with the same name. A field is a placeholder for information that may need to update, such as automatic numbering. Press F9 to update the selected field.