September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting1 OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting on Trade in Services Statistics Eurostat: Metadata, data production and publication Item 20a
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting2 NewCronos The main event in 2004, regarding the publication policy, was the availability from October 2004 of Eurostat’s statistics on the web free of charge. It focuses on Internet distribution of data and metadata. All data collections of Eurostat database - NewCronos (with approx 3 million cells) and Cometex (external trade data) have been added to the free dissemination. data documentation (metadata) as well as a uniform documentation structure are also available. The Special data dissemination standard (SDDS) has been used as format. Eurostat Homepage:
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting3 BoP Database Balance of payments data are represented by 5 collections with the corresponding metadata in SDDS format: Economy and finance Balance of payments - International transactions Balance of payments statistics International trade in services, geographical breakdown of the current account European Union direct investments European Union Foreign Affiliates Statistics (outward FATS) Balance of payments of the EU institutions
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting4 Quarterly BoP / Euroindicators The quarterly EU balance of payments and Euro indicators data are published regularly in co-ordination with the ECB. The quarterly news releases include both data sources and are simultaneously (the same day) published by both institutions. The quarterly news release has been redesigned to cope with EU25. Consistency between annual and quarterly BoP figures has been achieved for almost all Member States.
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting5 Trade in Services Detailed 2003 data on International Trade in Services were put in the New Cronos database in February A "Statistics in Focus" analysing EU ITS in 2003 was released in May The publication “EU International Transactions ” was produced in July Preliminary annual 2004 results for the EU current account were presented in a "Statistics in Focus" published in July 2005.
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting6 Foreign direct investment Detailed EU-15 and EU-25 data on FDI covering were published in New Cronos at end-December 2002 data by kind of activity were published at end of February These results were presented in a “Statistics in Focus” published in July EU25 FDI with extra-EU (preliminary results) for 2004 was published in July 2005 through a news release. “Statistics in Focus” containing these results will be published in October The publications “FDI Yearbook” will also be ready by October 2005.
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting7 FATS - outward Outward FATS data are available since July At present data on employment and turnover for 8 Member States are available Data for reference year 2003 will be published by end of 2005 Two « Statistics in Focus » are planned for coming months: Sales and employment of affiliates abroad Relationship between FATS indicatots and FDI stock figures
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting8 EU Institutions The production infrastructure for balance of payments of the EU Institutions has been improved significantly. BOP 2002 and 2003 data have been included in New Cronos in February Data for 2004 should be ready by December Moreover, Eurostat is working on a consistent set of BoP EUI quarterly data for years with maximum geographical breakdown.
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting9 Metadata - SDDS. Base page –Data –Access by the public –Integrity –Quality –Dissemination formats
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting10 Metadata – Summary methodology International trade in services Foreign direct investment BoP of European Institutions EU foreign affiliates statistics –Concepts, definitions and classifications –Scope / coverage of data –Accounting conventions –Nature of the basic data –Compilation practices –Other aspects
September 14-15, 2005OECD-Eurostat Expert Meeting11 Thank you for your attention