CSC Programming for Science Lecture 34: Dynamic Pointers
Problem of the Day You drive a bus from Rotterdam to Delft. At the 1 st stop, 33 people get in. At the 2 nd stop, 7 more people get in, and 11 passengers leave. The 3 rd stop, sees 5 people leave and 2 get in. After one hour, the bus arrives in Delft. What is the name of the driver? Read the question: You are the driver!
Today’s Goal After lecture, should understand strings Know how to use dynamic memory Allocate an array Use a dynamic array Free the array Remember: Pointers are still hard
From Last Lecture char str[50] = “Car”; char *str2 = str; char bob[] = “Bob”; printf(“%s\n”, strcpy(str, bob)); printf(“%d %s\n”, strlen(str), str); printf(“%d %s\n”, strlen(bob), bob); printf(“%d %s\n”, strlen(str2), str2); strcpy(str, “Car”); printf(“%s\n”, strcat(str, bob)); printf(“%d %s\n”, strlen(str2), str2);
From Last Lecture char str[50] = “The quick brown fox”; char *str2, *str3; str2 = strchr(str, 'Q'); printf(“%p %s\n”, str2, str); str2 = strchr(str, 'q'); str3 = str2 + 1; printf(“%s %s %s\n”, str, str2, str3); str2[0] = '\0'; printf(“%s %s %s\n”, str, str2, str3);
Pointers & Variables Variable names a memory location Initial value is unknown Memory location updated via assignment Value is that stored in memory location Pointer is type of variable… … but whose value is a memory location Aliases other variables Interchangeable with array variable
Memory Location Access Arrays’ & pointers’ values are memory location Often used interchangeably Use * or [] to access value *p is a synonym for p[0] But what about other elements? p[1] or *(p+1) gets 1 th element in p Can use array index or pointer arithmetic
Pointer Arithmetic Addition & subtraction with pointer variable Moves pointer over number of elements Actual memory location may change by more Can only add or subtract integers C cannot know decimal number will be whole Cannot use ½ a memory location
Problem with Arrays Array declarations specify size of array Must be literal value, e.g., 2, 1000, or Size must be large enough to hold all data May not know max. size when writing code Maximum size may be rare case Using too much memory slows performance Slowdown is wasteful if memory not used
Dynamic Memory Allocation Use malloc() to allocate array dynamically Must specify number of bytes needed Returns array’s memory location (e.g., pointer) If array could not be created, returns NULL Figuring out bytes needed is hard C does not specify how big any data type is Best to use the sizeof() function
malloc() examples int *up, *down; float *truth, *beauty; char *strange, bob[] = “Bob”; up = malloc(3 * sizeof(int)); down = up; truth = malloc(5 * sizeof(float)); beauty = malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); strange = malloc((strlen(bob) + 1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(strange, bob); strange[2] = ‘t’; up[0] = 0; down[1] = 2;
We All Must Go Free Sometime malloc() allocations not freed automatically Would eventually fill up computer’s memory Need method of releasing memory not in use Can free memory using free() function Must have been allocated via malloc() Have to free entire array that was allocated Once free, cannot reuse memory
malloc() examples int *up, *down, *charm; up = malloc(3 * sizeof(int)); down = up; charm = malloc(2000 * sizeof(int)); up[0] = 0; down[1] = 2; up[2] = 4; down = down + 1; free(down); free(up); down[1] = 34; charm[0] = 12;
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