Rise of Dictators / Project Introduction
Warm Up WWI Data Sheets Glue data sheet onto page 77 in your notebook. Review your pre and post test scores Graph your results Answer the reflection questions RETEST WILL BE THURSDAY DURING WORKING LUNCH!!
Third Quarter Project - Biography Project Part 1: Historical Figure Monologue (50 pts.) You will be creating a 1 to 3 minute monologue about a historical figure from either WWII or the Cold War. Your monologue must display your knowledge of your figure and impact they had. A one slide visual should also be created to represent that figure’s life and achievements. Everyone will present their monologues to the class and a hard copy must be turned in
Part 2: Historical Figure Research(5 pts.) Before you begin writing your monologue, you must complete the research information sheet for your figure. The information sheet will outline your basic understanding and knowledge for your figure. This sheet should be thorough and detailed as it will serve as the basis for your monologue You will not be allowed to use your information sheet on your exam but it will help prepare you to answer the questions.
Peer Observation (5pts.) While your classmates are presenting, you will be completing a peer observation for each presentation based on their performance. Your peer observations will be collected and will count for 5 points on your overall project grade. Peer Observation Score Sheet Presenter Positive Feedback Constructive Feedback Presentation Suggestions Score
Rubric – Monologue Presentation CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Posture and Eye Contact Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Stands up straight and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact. Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation. Volume Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation. Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time. Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time. Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members. Content Shows a full understanding of their person. Shows a good understanding of their person. Shows a good understanding for part of their person. Does not seem to understand their person. Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word. Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word. Preparedness-Length Student is completely prepared and monologue lasts the full allotted amount of time. It was evident that the student had practiced their speech. Student seems pretty prepared but length of monologue was under 2 minutes. The student is somewhat prepared, but the length of monologue meets minimum requirements of 1 minute. Student does not seem at all prepared to present and monologue is under 1 minute.
Third Quarter Project Part 3: Research Based Evaluation (30 Points) The last part of your project will be a classroom exam based on your research of your historical figure. The exam will include short response questions based on your knowledge of your historical figure.
Third Quarter Project **Due Dates** Presentations - March 10-14 Test - March 9 Be Proactive! Write these dates in your agenda NOW!
Who is your historical figure? Look at the list below to see which historical figure corresponds to the number you chose at the beginning of class. Write it on your assignment sheet now. Adolf Hitler Josef Stalin Franklin Roosevelt Harry Truman Winston Churchill Benito Mussolini Hirohito John F. Kennedy Richard Nixon Dwight Eisenhower Mikhail Gorbachev Nikita Khrushchev Ronald Reagan Douglas Macarthur 15. Erwin Rommel 16. Joseph Goebbels 17. Neville Chamberlain 18. Heinrich Himmler 19. Josef Mengele 20. Ho Chi Minh 21. Joseph McCarthy 22. Robert Oppenheimer 23. Yuri Gagarin 24. John Glenn 25. Alan Shephard 26. Neil Armstrong 27. Lyndon Johnson
Biography Project Log into Google Classroom Click the link to the Biography Project Form Complete the form and submit it Write the name of your person on your Project Assignment Sheet
Costs of World War I Personal Costs Political Costs Economic Costs WWI With your table partner, sort the World War I Costs Cards into four categories using the sorting sheet in Google Classroom Personal Costs Political Costs Psychological Costs Economic Costs WWI
Costs of WWI What did your group put in each category? How do you think these costs impacted future events in Europe and the world? Make a prediction for each type of cost. What do you think will happen in Europe? Personal Costs Psychological Costs Economic Costs Political Costs
Between the Wars Think about the costs of the war. If you were someone who lived during this time, what kind of leader would you want for your country? What kind of government would you want?
Worldwide Economic Depression Depression -A long period during which the economy is poor and many people are without jobs. During an economic depression, spending by consumers, businesses, and the government goes down significantly.
Worldwide Economic Depression
1) What can we learn from this table? 2) During which year was worldwide unemployment most likely at its worst? 3) Which of these statements BEST summarizes the information from the table? Great Britain experienced higher unemployment than the U.S. in 1923 Unemployment was high in many countries in the 1920’s and 1930’s The percentage of unemployment rose sharply in the U.S. in the 1930’s. German unemployment peaked during 1921 and then began to fall
Rise of Dictators
Rise of Dictators Italy Japan Fascist government - leader controls everything Territorial Aggression - imperialism
Italy and Japan You will read about the men who came to power in Italy and Japan between the world wars. Annotate each paragraph and answer the questions thoughtfully! DUE TOMORROW!
Exit Ticket One of the psychological costs of World War I was that the Ottoman Empire was destroyed people lost faith in government and leaders over 1 million head of livestock were lost over 21 million military people were wounded
Exit Ticket 2. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the world experienced an economic depression. In an economic depression, many people feel sad all the time many people are unemployed boundaries of countries get redrawn poor people are well taken care of