Say What? Steven E. Lacey, PhD, CIH, CSP Associate Professor & Chair Department of Environmental Health Science IU Fairbanks School of Public Health
Outline Anatomy Physics of sound Health effects Regulations Noise control
Principles of Occupational Hygiene Anticipation Recognition Evaluation Control
Hazard Classes Physical Chemical Biological Psychosocial
Hierarchy of Controls Substitution Engineering Administrative Personal Protective Equipment
Impact on Society 5,000 annual occupational injury fatalities 50,000 occupational disease-related deaths $50,000,000,000 direct and indirect costs 20,000,000 production workers exposed to noise
Decibel (dB)
Effects of Noise
Threshold shifts, tinnitus, & hearing loss
No cure for tinnitus
Regulations, politics, & health protection
Hearing Conservation Program 1. Noise monitoring 2. Engineering controls 3. Administrative controls 4. Worker education 5. Selection and use of hearing protection devices 6. Periodic audiometric evaluations
Noise Control Time Distance Shielding
Small group discussion
What do you notice about this photo? What concerns you? Using the strategies discussed, how could you minimize or eliminate the noise exposure? Who needs to be engaged to help solve this? What are the challenges to your strategy?
Why is it different when it’s music?
Say What? Steven E. Lacey, PhD, CIH, CSP Associate Professor & Chair Department of Environmental Health Science IU Fairbanks School of Public Health