Meiosis IB Biology
Meiosis – cell division for the production of gametes (sperm or egg or spores) Called “reduction division” because it divides the number of chromosomes in half Diploid (2n) = 4Haploid (n) = 2 OR cells NOT identical B D D b d d B d b D B d B D D b b d D b Cell of ovary or testes In humans... 2n = 46 n = 23 Gametes or spores
Karyotype for pea plants… The diploid number for this organism would be 14 (The haploid number is 7) “Locus” – a gene’s specific position on a chromosome The locus for flower color might be at this point on the 5 th chromosome
2 stages (meiosis I and meiosis II) Meiosis I –Prophase I Synapsis – homologous chromosomes pairing up closely on the same spindle fiber A A a a B b r r R R d D CHIASMATA –point where chromatids touch, to allow for crossing over Homologous pairs are called “bivalents” when together
Tetrad – 4 chromatids (paired) Crossing over – homologous chromosomes can exchange pieces at the chiasmata… this is a type of “recombination” A A a a B b r r R R d D d D * The lining up here of homologous pairs (ex: which homologue will be on the right and which will be on the left?) is completely random… this will eventually add to the variation of the gametes Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
Metaphase I A A a a B b r r R R d D d D Chromosomes are at the equator (Homologous chromosomes still on the same spindle fiber) ****Note the different arrangement than in mitosis****
Anaphase I – chromosomes move to poles A A a a B b r r R R D d D d Spindle fibers pull chromosomes to poles (spindle fibers are shortening.) Homologous pairs are separated. Creates (nearly) infinite variety Mendel’s Law of Segregation: Two alleles of each gene separate into different gametes (A’s to one side, a’s to the other) Centro- meres do NOT split!... The bivalents separate.
Telophase I Chromosomes at the poles Spindle fibers disintegrate Nuclear membrane begins to reform – each new nucleus is haploid! r r A A d D B b R a a d D B b
Cytokinesis I Down to 2 chromosomes n (DNA is not replicated again after meiosis I) Down to 2 chromosomes n (DNA is not replicated again after meiosis I) After cytokinesis I, maybe a brief interphase. Otherwise, Meiosis II !!.
Meiosis II -Prophase II Chromosomes evident Nuclear envelopes break down A A r r B b d D R R a a d D B b
Metaphase II Spindle fibers attach Chromosomes line up at equator ****Note similar arrangement to mitosis**** A A B b r d D a a B b R R d D
Anaphase II Spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart Chromosomes move to poles Centromeres have split A A B b r d D a B b R d D centriole (pole)
Telophase II A A B b r d D a B b R d D Spindle fibers disintegrate Chromosomes at poles! Nuclear envelopes reform! Still Haploid!!
Result after cytokinesis... 4 gametes: 4 spores, 4 sperms, or 1 egg and 2 polar bodies Potential for lots of variety!! Recombination – the re- assortment of genes into different combinations from those of the parents A A a a B b B b r r R R d D d D