RCHS Freshman Class Presentation
The Rancho Guidance Counseling Team Leonor Goff serves students with last names that begin with: A – EL Her direct phone line is: Her address is: Cheryl Hlebakos serves students with last names that begin with: EN - LE Her direct phone line is: Her address is: Erin Lane serves students with last names that begin with: LI - RA Her direct phone line is: Her address is: Sandra Aguado serves students with last names that begin with: RE - Z Her direct phone line is: Her address is:
Transcript Review- Graduation Requirements CoursesCredits English40 (4 years) Mathematics30 (must pass equivalent of Algebra 1) Science20 (10 credits Physical Science & 10 credits Life Science.) Physical Education 20 Social Studies30 (10 credits World History; 10 credits United States History; 5 each Gov’t/Econ) Visual/Perf. Arts or World Lang. 10 Elective Credits70 Total220 credits
Graduation Requirements Required Credits 220 (70 Elective) Algebra 1 or Equivalent (10 credits of the 30 required math credits) You must have completed and documented 40 hours of community service. Many more hours needed for scholarship opportunities
Improving Grades/Credit Recovery Options Must have a C- or better for college prep classes (a-g college entrance requirements) On-line Credit Recovery -- Meets high school graduation requirements (most not a-g college entrance requirements; there is some access to a-g online credit recovery; see your counselor) SRJC – Concurrent enrollment BYU/National University -- See your counselor
UC College Requirements a-g Requirements (11 met by the end 11 th grade summer; 15 by end of 12 th grade with a 3.00 GPA) (A) History/Social Science2 years (B) English4 years (C) Mathematics3 years (Alg I, Geom and Alg 2) recommend 4 yrs. (D) Laboratory Science2 years (Bio., Chem., Physics) recommend 3 yrs. (E) Lang. Other than Eng.2 years (must be the same lang.) recommend 3 yrs. (F) Visual and Performing Arts1 year-long class (G) College Prep Elective1 year
CSU College Requirements a-g Requirements (A) History/Social Science2 years (B) English4 years (C) Mathematics3 years (Alg I, Geom, Alg 2) (D) Laboratory Science2 years (Bio., Chem., Physics) Some CSU’s count Earth Sci. (E) Lang. Other than Eng.2 years (must be the same lang.) (F) Visual and Performing Arts 1 year (same course) (G) College Prep Elective1 year (same course)
PSAT Sophomores and Juniors are encouraged to take the PSAT in October; the cost is typically $27.00 – More information forthcoming at the beginning of next year Merit Scholarship Consideration Good Practice for SAT Results will provide a great study guide
College Entrance Assessments SAT It tests what you already know It’s fair to everyone – Researched and no advantages to any one group It’s more than just a test -- Connect to scholarship opportunities, place out of certain college courses and learn more about your academic strengths It helps you select the right fit for college -- SAT scores are among the factors considered in college admission ACT The ACT is accepted by all 4-year colleges and universities in the United States The ACT multiple-choice tests are based on what you're learning There are many ways to prepare for the ACT -- Taking challenging courses in high school is the best way to prepare, but ACT also offers a number of test preparation options including free online practice tests, testing tips for each subject area tested, and the free student booklet Preparing for the ACT The ACT helps you plan for your future -- Provides you with a unique Interest Inventory and a Student Profile Section Your ACT score is based only on what you know
EAP (Early Assessment Program) for College Readiness CSU and SRJC California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)* EAP Testing is in English Language Arts, including Writing; and Math Administered in the Spring semester of 11 th grade Will provide a college content readiness result by the end of the junior year There are additional pathways for qualification if you do not score “ready for college.”
EAP- Early Assessment Program This program was established to provide opportunities for students to measure their readiness for college-level English and mathematics in their junior year of high school The goal is to facilitate opportunities for students to improve their skills during their senior year. EAP – Will be taken in your Junior year with SBAC
The Associate Degree for Transfer: Designed to prepare students for transfer to the CSU system and earn an Associate Degree using the same requirements Has universal lower-division major requirements for all 23 CSU campuses. Students can prepare to transfer to the CSU system using just one set of preparation courses for their major rather than having to meet different requirements for multiple campuses Guaranteed priority admission with junior status to a CSU campus with a “similar” major GPA bump of.10 or.20 when applying to an impacted campus or major Students can receive priority admissions to their local CSU campus to a major deemed similar to the AA-T or AS-T major After transfer to CSU, guaranteed degree completion within 60 semester units at the CSU Associate Degree: The Associate in Arts and Associate in Science Degrees can be earned at Santa Rosa Junior College Requirements for graduation with an Associate Degree are prescribed by the California Community College System and the Board of Trustees of Santa Rosa Junior College
CERTIFICATES Incomplete list; for complete list, go to: Accountant Assistant Administration of Justice -- Public and Protective Services Agriculture Business Management) Animal Science Applied Graphics Architecture & Construction Technology Art Automotive Technology Bookkeeper Child Development Civil & Surveying Technology Community Health Worker Corrections Culinary Arts Dental Assisting Diesel Equipment Technology Electronics Technology Emergency Medical Technician: Paramedic Environmental Conservation Environmental Horticulture Equine Science Fashion Studies Fire Technology Floristry General Agriculture Hospitality Human Services Interior Design Legal Office Secretary Machine Tool Technology Medical Assisting Personal Computer Specialist Pharmacy Technician Psychiatric Technician Radiologic Technology Real Estate -- Business and Management Restaurant Management Sales & Marketing State Correctional Peace Officer Sustainable Agriculture Theatre Arts Veterinary Technician -- Agriculture and Natural Resources Vocational Nursing -- Health Water Utility Operations -- Engineering and Industrial Technologies Web Site Development Welding Technology -- Engineering and Industrial Technologies Wine Studies
NCAA Clearinghouse Athletes Use online or paper application available at All students are recommended to register during the summer between their 10 th and 11 th grade year of high school Requirements are very specific for Div. I & II See Mrs. Scardina or Mr. Sarlatte to check Div. I & II requirements
UC/University of California Map (9 undergraduate campuses)
CSU/California State University Map (23)
Private/Independent Colleges and Universities Map
Community Colleges Map
Scholarship Information Scholarship bulletin – check regularly for new scholarship information Community service hours—the most critical aspect for getting local scholarships.
High School Planning Go to: Under High School Students click on the High School Planner button Create an account –Use one of the two planners, high school or transfer, designed to help you track and plan your coursework to meet California State University (CSU) high school subject requirements.
High School Planning Update this at the end of every semester to track your progress. This will guide you through the a-g requirements for college and will help when it is time to apply for college during your Senior year. SRJC and vocational programs, start exploring now at:
Tips Visit colleges and universities Explore college websites –CSU: –UC: –College Board –Assist: Plan Now College entrance is very competitive!
REMINDERS Study, study, study!!! Check your grades and credits each semester Make up any failed class for graduation See your counselor on a regular basis Turn in your Community Service Hours