What are the names of the two oceans that touch the U.S.?
Section 1- The Mining Booms
Gold found here in 1885
Rich streaks of ORE sandwiched between layers of rocks
Rocks that contain minerals What was the Comstock Lode? The streak of silver found in Nevada
Found on the Carson River in Nevada
Owned a share of the claim Sold it for 11,000 and 2 mules
Towns that grew overnight around mining towns
Site of the Comstock Boomtown
Citizens acting as a judge, jury, and executioner
Deserted Boomtowns
Grew between 1865 and 1890 The Government paid them to build tracks
Financial aid from the government
A train that could connect each coast What are the names of the two coasts in the U.S.? Atlantic, and Pacific
Eastern Central Mountain Pacific
Section 2
Settled by the Spanish
Cattle found in Texas Tough enough to survive the desert and heat
Not fenced or divided into property lots
Near railroads so that the cows should be shipped east to bigger cities
Hispanic ranch hands (cowboys)
Gave 160 acres of land to any settler who paid the filing fee
Owning a piece of land because you settled it
The migration of freed slaves to the west
Farmers on the plains What is Sod?
Planting seeds deep in the ground where there is some moisture
Boomers went to Oklahoma to claim free land Sooners got there first
Section 3 – Begin Reading Chapter 18, Section III
People who follow their food
Worked like a city council
The Indians used everything The Settlers shot them for fun
Pieces of land set aside for the Indians
The lands set aside for the Sioux Indians to live on
Was set up to manage all the Indian tribes
Was the leader of the Sioux warriors
Where Red Cloud and his warriors destroyed settler’s homes in 1862
Were the original owners of the land where Mount Rushmore is today
A route used by gold miners to get through Montana
Joined Sitting Bull and the Cheyenne Warriors to attack Custer
Leaders of the Sioux attacks on white settlers
Where several Sioux warriors surrendered to the Army
Leader of the Cheyenne who were attacked when they came in peace
Led the attack on Black Kettle and the Cheyenne
Located in North Dakota Gold was found here and men came onto Sioux land to get it
Leader of the Sioux Refused to sell any land to U.S.
When Sitting Bull, the Sioux leader, and Crazy Horse, the Cheyenne leader, attacked and killed General Custer and his men
Led his men to a massacre by the Cheyenne at Little Big Horn
The last of the Indians to surrender
“I Will Fight No More…..”
Forced the Native Americans off of their land and made them become farmers
The last battle between the Armed forces of the U.S. and the Native Americans
Section 4
The first farmers association
Stores where farmers bought products for each other
The party of the people
The unlimited production of silver coins
Won the Presidential election of 1892
Defeated William Jennings Bryan in the election of 1896