Lamar Houston Smart Start Complete the Venn diagram of Sam Houston and Lamar’s presidency then complete the Smart Start questions.
Smart Start 1. The Cordova Rebellion and the Council House fight are both examples of conflicts during the Lamar administration that involved A. Catholic Priestc. enslaved Texans B. Tejano Landownersd. American Indian Tribes 2. Primary goal of the Santa Fe Expedition was to A. Establish a western boundary of Texasc. Free Anglo captives from Comanche leaders B. Escort the Cherokee tribe to Oklahomad. rescue Texas Rangers trapped in New Mexico 3. Sam Houston opposed building a navy for Texas because he thought it would A. Drain Texas’s financesc. heighten tensions with Mexico B. Anger the USAd. curb trade on Caribbean sea
Smart Start 1. The Cordova Rebellion and the Council House fight are both examples of conflicts during the Lamar administration that involved A. Catholic Priestc. enslaved Texans B. Tejano Landownersd. American Indian Tribes 2. Primary goal of the Santa Fe Expedition was to A. Establish a western boundary of Texasc. Free Anglo captives from Comanche leaders B. Escort the Cherokee tribe to Oklahomad. rescue Texas Rangers trapped in New Mexico 3. Sam Houston opposed building a navy for Texas because he thought it would A. Drain Texas’s financesc. heighten tensions with Mexico B. Anger the USAd. curb trade on Caribbean sea
We will…. - describe how Texas became the 28 th State of the USA - Explain how the Mier expedition affected our relations with Mexico WHAT DO I BELIEVE? When Texans put Lamar into office it influenced Texans to believe in a more intense policy for Texas (wars with Native Americans, no peace with Mexico.) Now Sam Houston will take over again, Texans will have to decide what to believe in once again. Where dey at doe? Texas finally becomes part of the USA in today’s lesson. How would life be different if we remained our own nation forever? Would we be successful? I will…. Organize the pros and cons of Annexation with the USA, then come to a conclusion of whether or not it was a good idea for Texas to be annexed (from Texas’ point of view.)
Key Terms Decimation Archives
Decimation This key term is used improperly by most people. Most people will state that decimation means to totally destroy, it does not. By breaking this down in Latin we can figure out its meaning. Deci- (decimatio) is the combining form for ten, tenth or 1/10. The word as a whole describes death, killing, or removal of that fraction. Decimation was a policy originally used by romans to punish military deserters or disobedient subjects. Decimate means to kill ____% of the population. a) 1% b) 10% c) 90% d) 100%
Archives The president put all of the important archives in an special safe. The archives of the nation would be very important because they are the official documents used by the state. These could be public records, speeches, letters, papers, and other important documents. Which of the following would NOT be included in the state archives? a) constitution b) declaration of independence c) inaugural address speech copy d) autobiography of a president
Setting the Scene Ashbel Smith, a polititian in Texas, met with Sam Houston to discuss the issue of independence vs. annexation with the USA. Houston came into my private room, booted, spurred. He said “Saxe Weimar” the name of his horse “is at the door. I have come to leave Houston’s last words with you. If the congress of the United States shall not by the fourth of March pass some measure of annexation which Texas can be proud, I will give a series of speeches against annexation for all time to come.” Ashbel Smith (describing Houston’s quote) It’s now or never! If the USA decides against annexation, I too will drop the cause for annexation and Texas will remain independent!
Sam Houston Returns as President! In 1841 Houston was elected president again – Lamar couldn’t run for a 2 nd term because Texas did not allow consecutive terms A clear division between the followers of Houston and Lamar emerged – Texas were not sure of the direction their country was headed Gee, it’s great to be back home in the office of the President! I really hope we join the USA Soon! Annexation stinks! Texas should be its own country forever! Silence, you imbecile! You almost got us into ANOTHER war with Mexico and doubled our debt! Sam Houston, our 1 st and 3 rd elected president
The Debt Problem And they wonder why I never smile in pictures… If we don’t solve this problem, Texas will be doomed! No one will give us any confidence. CFU – Stop & Jot Why is the debt a problem?
A Return to Sam Houston’s Government Sam Houston cut government spending – Spent $600,000 less than his first presidency Cut back on Lamar’s expansion policies Cut military spending – Reduced the army – Disbanded the Navy Worked to restore peace with Mexico – Brought Texas’ Navy back from Yucatan (Mexico) where they were helping another group break away from Mexico The Best policy for Texas right now is to basically do the opposite of whatever Lamar did.
Threat of Mexico = Still Present! On March 5 th, 1842 General Rafael Vasquez and 700 soldiers took over San Antonio – Declared the land still belonged to Mexico, then left after two days Six months later, on 09/11 the Mexicans (under general Woll) returned again with 1,400 soldiers – Houston sent 300 militiamen to stop them Mexican troops retreated and crossed the border at the Rio Grande before they could be intercepted by Texan forces – Texans needed more supplies so they waited at the Rio Grande before chasing them into Mexico Who here still hates Texas? Me! CFU - Turn and Talk Santa Anna surrendered his troops! Why were the Mexicans still taking military action against the Texans?
The Mier Expedition The Texans crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico and demanded the citizens of Mier (a small town) to give them supplies Mexicans surround Texans and trap them – Texan soldiers are taken as prisoner – Mexico orders men to be marched to the Perote prison – Texans were not sure what would happen Texans crossing the Rio Grande into Mexico CFU - Mexican Point of view Texas agreed that the Rio Grande was the border of their territory. Now that the Texans have crossed the border, what could you do to them as a Mexican General?
Perote Prison
The decimation took place by the drawing of black and white beans from a small earthen mug. The white ones signified exemption and the black ones death. On hundred and fifty nine white beans were placed in the bottom of the mug and seventeen black ones on top of them. Thomas J. Green (Journal)
Those that drew the black bean
More Conflicts Texans not only fought with the Mexicans but also fought with each other The Archives war – Houston wanted to move the capital from Austin to Washington-on-the- Brazos Texans living in Austin did not allow the archives (official state documents) to be moved Regulator-Moderator War – Lawlessness encouraged violence in East Texas Two groups fight to control the territory – Houston is forced to send 600 troops to calm the activity Angelina Eberly kept the capital in Austin
The Fight for Annexation Houston believes that annexation is the only way to solve the nation of Texas’ problems – Debt USA has money we can use – Threat of Mexico Mexicans will be afraid of USA’s military Houston devotes a lot of energy to making TX a part of the USA in this 2 nd term – New president Dr. Anson Jones is elected in 1844 (also wants annexation) Texas is a controversial addition because of our policy of slavery We should annex Texas, it will give us more land, and more citizens! This means more power!
Annexation Success! The U.S. Congress approved Texas’ addition to the union on February 26 th, 1845 The addition of TX to the USA put pressure on foreign countries to recognize that Mexico no longer had control of the territory Texas congress approved the annexation Some Americans, like the New York delegation, were upset about the annexation of Texas And so a new flag rises over Texas!
Guided Practice Organize the pros and cons of Annexation with the USA, then come to a conclusion of whether or not it was a good idea for Texas to be annexed (from Texas’ point of view.)