Trine Christiansen European Environment Agency (EEA) Regional and EU level data streams for D5 Copenhagen, 28 April
MSFD reporting structure
Eutrophication D5 Objective: Human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algal blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters.
Reporting streams defined as part of a chain: Monitoring, Data, Indicators, Assessment, Knowledge Integrate Reflect Structure (D) Data (I) Indicators (A) Assessments MSFD art 20 assessment (K) Knowledge Interpret (K) Knowledge (M) Monitoring
Multiple reporting streams in place to support Descriptor 5 MSFD D5 OSPAR (CEMP) HELCOM (COMBINE) UNEP/MAPBSC WISE-SoE (WFD)
Results of analysis and comparison to 2012 reporting % of CPs reporting100-81%80-61%60-41%40-21%20-1% no reporting BestPoorest
What should we achieve with this workshop? A clear understanding of which data streams are in place within the RSC and EU at present and how they work; An equally clear understanding of which data streams needed for D5 and D8 indicators that are not in place, and how and when MS see these data streams being established; Reflections on criteria for operational set-up in the future. Answer the question of whether this will be a useful model for future workshops? – what could be changed?