VERB TENSES- PRESENT TENSE TENSE TENSE FORM FORM USE USE SIGNAL WORDS PRESENTSIMPLE A: I / You / We / They eat He / She / It eats A: I / You / We / They eat He / She / It eats N: I / You / We / They don't eat He / She / It doesn't eat Q: Do I / You / We / They eat? Does He / She / It eat? habits /routines habits /routines Universal truth actions Universal truth actions Something happens repeatedly ( permanently) Something happens repeatedly ( permanently) Future meanings: timetables, programmes Future meanings: timetables, programmes 1st type conditional clauses and time clauses 1st type conditional clauses and time clauses After the following verbs : know, like, hate, want, love, need, belong, mean, understand, remember, prefer… After the following verbs : know, like, hate, want, love, need, belong, mean, understand, remember, prefer… Frequency adverbs : always, often, usually, generally, seldom, never… Every day/ week/ month… Once / Twice / Three times… a week/ day / month/ year… PRESENTCONTINUOUS A: I am eating He / She / It is eating We / You / They are eating N: I am not eating He / She / It isn't eating We / You / They aren't eating Q: Am I eating? Is He / She / It eating? Are We / You / They eating? Something happening at the time of speaking or around it Something happening at the time of speaking or around it Something happening temporarily Something happening temporarily something happens usually which irritates the speaker: They are always complaining about the same thing. something happens usually which irritates the speaker: They are always complaining about the same thing. future meaning: when you have already decided and arranged to do it ( a fixed p(a fixed plan, date) future meaning: when you have already decided and arranged to do it ( a fixed p(a fixed plan, date) * Present continuous cannot be used : know, like, want, hate, love, need, belong mean, understand, believe, remember, prefer; although some of these verbs can be used in a continuous tense with a different meaning * Present continuous cannot be used : know, like, want, hate, love, need, belong mean, understand, believe, remember, prefer; although some of these verbs can be used in a continuous tense with a different meaning Now, right now At present, at the moment, in this moment, …. These days, this year/ month/ week…, nowadays Tonight, tomorrow, next week / month…, in a minute, in a couple of days…
VERB TENSES- PRESENT TENSE TENSE TENSE FORM FORM USE USE SIGNAL WORDS PRESENTPERFECT A: I / You / We / They have eaten He / She / It has eaten N: I / You / We / They haven't eaten He / She / It hasn't eaten Q: have I / You / We / They eaten? has He / She / It eaten? Something has happened or is finished in the past and it has a connection to the present action started in the past and continues up to the present With expressions It's the first/ second time: It's the first time I've eaten raw fish Already (AF)…ya Yet (NG/INT)….ya, aún, todavía For…durante Since…desde Just+PP …acabo de This week/ month… Today Recently/so far Adverbs: : ever, never… PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS A: I / You / We / They have been eating He / She / It has been eating N: I / You / We / They haven't been eating He / She / It hasn't been eating Q: have I / You / We / They been eating? has He / She / It been eating? Same uses as the present perfect simple but emphasizing the length of the action or activity action began in the past and has just stoppedand its result is clear: Have you been frying fish? SAME AS PRESENT PERFECT ESPECIALLY,FOR HOW LONG
VERB TENSES- PAST TENSE TENSE TENSE FORM FORM USE USE SIGNAL WORDS PAST SIMPLE A: He watched (R) / He ate (IRREG) / He ate (IRREG) N: He didn't watch / He didn't eat Q: Did he watch? / Did he eat? - Action took place in the past, mostly connected with an expression of time ( no connection to the present) -Sequencing actions took place in the past -After the following expressions : I wish, If only, as if, as though, would rather, would sooner, it's time…. Yesterday Last month / week.. Ago Past dates ( 1990, 2000…) PAST CONTINUOUS A: I / He / She / It was eating We / You / They were eating N: I / He / She / It wasn't eating We / You / They weren't eating Q: Was I / He / She / It eating? Were We / You / They eating? Someone was doing sth at a certain time in the past- you don´t know whether it was finished or not ( long action) An action was taking place in the past when it was interrupted by another one ( interrupted past) Two o more actions was taking place simultaneously in the past : While I was cooking dinner, he was laying the table. Repeated and monotonous actions in the past expressing complaining or annoyance : The children were always screaming. For descriptions and specified actions : People were walking, the sun was shining, the birds…. While As / when
VERB TENSES- PAST TENSE TENSE TENSE FORM FORM USE USE SIGNAL WORDS PASTPERFECTSIMPLE A: He had eaten N: He hadn't eaten Q: Had he eaten? Past action which took place before another one: The school had already closed when I arrived. 3rd conditional clauses Time clauses to emphasize a past action was finished before starting another one : He didn't go to bed until the last TV programme had finished. *Only 2nd BAC I wish / If only to regret sth took place in the past : If only they had stayed with us (ojalá) With the expression: It was the first / the second… time: It was the second time I had flown. Already (AF)…ya Just Until / Till Before As soon as After PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS A: He had been eating N: He hadn't been eating Q: Had he been eating? how long something had been happening before something else happened She was so ill because she had been eating so many chocolates. ForSince The whole day / all day
VERB TENSES- FUTURE TENSE TENSE TENSE FORM FORM USE USE SIGNAL WORDS FUTURE I SIMPLE(WILL) A: He will eat N: He won't eat Q: Will he eat? Sb knows for certain sth will happen in the future : We wi Prediction ( you think sth will happen) : It'll be windy tomorrow. Promises : I'll buy you a present for your birthday. Sb decides to do sth spontaneously at the time of speaking, ( no decision before) : It's hot in here. I'll open the windows. Offer : I'll carry the suitcase if you like. Request ( polite) : Will you do it for me? 1st type conditional clause : If it rains, we'll stay at home. Suggestion ( I,We) - SHALL: Shall we go to the cinema tonight? Tomorrow Next day/ week…. Future dates ( 2025, in three years…) FUTURE I SIMPLE (GOING TO) A: I am going to eat He / She / It is going to eat He / She / It is going to eat We / You / They are going to eat We / You / They are going to eat N: I am not going to eat He / She / It isn't going to eat He / She / It isn't going to eat We / You / They aren't going to eat We / You / They aren't going to eat Q: Am I going to eat? Is He / She / It going to eat? Is He / She / It going to eat? Are We / You / They going to eat? Are We / You / They going to eat? When you have already decided to do sth in the future ( intention) : I'm going to eat less. Future plans: They're going to build a new bridge in autumn. Prediction( what you think what will happen – facts and events that are evident in the present) : It's very hot today. We are going to sweat. Actions that will take place for certain in the future : I'm going to finish Bachillerato next year. Tomorrow Next day/ week…. Future dates
VERB TENSES- FUTURE TENSE TENSE TENSE FORM FORM USE USE SIGNAL WORDS FUTURECONTINUOUS A: He will be eating N: He won't be eating Q: Will he be eating? An action will be in progress at a certain time in the future : At this time next week we'll be flying to New York. Asking for sb´s plans, above all, when we want to ask for a favour: Will you be driving to the supermarket tomorrow? Tomorrow Next day/ week…. Future dates FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE A: He will have eaten. N: He won't have eaten. Q: Will he have eaten? sth. will already have happened before a certain time in the future : We'll have flown to New York by next week. By Monday… In a week…