Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness Stop smoking; it’s bad.
Hypocrisy (noun) Hypocritical (adj) Hypocritically (adv) Hypocrite (noun)
To understand, to comprehendTo understand, to comprehend
Fathom (verb)
Understood, but not clearly stated or written
Implicit (adj) Implicitly
Someone blamed for the faults of others
Scapegoat (noun)
Stubbornly unyielding; won’t surrender to begging. Standing firm. Determined.
Adamant (adj) Adamantly (adv)
Occurring at just the right time
Opportune (adj) Opportunely (adv) Opportunity (noun)
Guilt and regret
Remorse (noun) Remorseful (adj) Remorsefully (adv)
Unable to be fixed
Irreparable (adj) Irreparably (adv)
To banish or exclude someone from a group
Ostracize (verb) Ostracism (noun) ostracizing (adj)
Doubting, distrustful, pessimistic
Cynical (adj) Cynically (adv)
Someone or something that takes and takes without giving in return
Parasite (noun) Parasitic (adj) Parasitically (adv)
Directly stated, spelled out clear I want to break up. I love you with all my heart, Darling.
Explicit (adj) Explicitly (adv)
To slowly weaken by wearing away at something or someone
Undermine (verb) undermining (adj)
Easily tricked
Gullible (adj) Gullibly (adv)
Short, but clearly understandable To brief, vote for me; I’m great!
Succinct (adj) Succinctly (adv)
The direct opposite of what a character, audience or person expects.
Irony (noun) Ironic (adj) Ironically (adv)
To feel a deep, brewing anger
Seethe (verb)
Sadness, gloom, depression
Melancholy (noun) Melancholy (adj)
Based on morals/values; acting on what is right
Ethical (adj) Ethically (adv) Ethics (noun)
Recklessly ignoring what is right; immoral, cruel or excessive liars
Wanton (adj.) Wantonly (adverb) Wantonness (noun)
To agree withTo agree with
Concur (verb)
Deliberate, on purpose, without hiding, obvious
Blatant (adj) Blatantly (adv)
The one working against the protagonist; the one we want to fail
Antagonist (noun) Antagonistic (adj) Antagonistically(adv)
Foreshadows something bad is going to happen
Ominous (adj) ominously (adv)
Firmly sticking to moral beliefs or values
Integrity (noun)
What matters to a person regardless of consequences or what others think
Prerogative (noun)
Who the story is about; the one we want to win
Protagonist (noun)
Super freaked out; upset
Distraught (adj) Distraughtly(adv)
Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness
Hypocrisy (noun) Hypocritical (adj) Hypocritically (adv) Hypocrite (noun)
To understand, to comprehendTo understand, to comprehend
Fathom (verb)
Understood, but not clearly stated or written
Implicit (adj) Implicitly
Deliberate, on purpose, without hiding, obvious
Blatant (adj) Blatantly (adv)
The one working against the protagonist; the one we want to fail
Antagonist (noun) Antagonistic (adj) Antagonistically(adv)
Unable to be fixed
Irreparable (adj) Irreparably (adv)
To banish or exclude someone from a group
Ostracize (verb) Ostracism (noun) ostracizing (adj)
Foreshadows something bad is going to happen
Ominous (adj) ominously (adv)
Firmly sticking to moral beliefs or values
Integrity (noun)
Someone blamed for the faults of others
Scapegoat (noun)
Stubbornly unyielding; won’t surrender to begging. Standing firm. Determined.
Adamant (adj) Adamantly (adv)
Occurring at just the right time
Opportune (adj) Opportunely (adv) Opportunity (noun)
Guilt and regret
Remorse (noun) Remorseful (adj) Remorsefully (adv)
Doubting, distrustful, pessimistic
Cynical (adj) Cynically (adv)
Someone or something that takes and takes without giving in return
Parasite (noun) Parasitic (adj) Parasitically (adv)
Undermine (verb) undermining (adj)
Easily tricked
Gullible (adj) Gullibly (adv)
Short, but clearly understandable
Succinct (adj) Succinctly (adv)
The direct opposite of what a character, audience or person expects.
Irony (noun) Ironic (adj) Ironically (adv)
To feel a deep, brewing anger
Seethe (verb)
Sadness, gloom, depression
Melancholy (noun) Melancholy (adj)
Directly stated, spelled out clear
Explicit (adj) Explicitly (adv)
Based on morals/values; acting on what is right
Ethical (adj) Ethically (adv) Ethics (noun)
Recklessly ignoring what is right; immoral, cruel or excessive
Wanton (adj.) Wantonly (adverb) Wantonness (noun)
To agree withTo agree with
Concur (verb)
What matters to a person regardless of consequences or what others think
Prerogative (noun)
Who the story is about; the one we want to win
Protagonist (noun)
Super freaked out; upset
Distraught (adj) Distraughtly(adv)