Brief Ideas for the Sustainability of the IABIN Invasives Information Network (I3N) As presented to the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network Visioning Meeting Washington, DC October, 2008 As presented to the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network Visioning Meeting Washington, DC October, 2008
I3N Update F3 workshops and over 80 new people trained FVenezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala FHonduras early 2009 FRisk Analysis and Pathways Prevention tool finalized FFinal RFP published F3 workshops and over 80 new people trained FVenezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala FHonduras early 2009 FRisk Analysis and Pathways Prevention tool finalized FFinal RFP published
Upcoming work ( ) FNew bilingual search engine with database search capabilities (late 2008) FWebsite will be translated to Spanish and Portuguese (late ) FDatabase and web template to be converted to open source in first half of 2009 FRecommendations from users will be incorporated FNew controlled vocabulary and quality control F CABI grant ( ) FNew bilingual search engine with database search capabilities (late 2008) FWebsite will be translated to Spanish and Portuguese (late ) FDatabase and web template to be converted to open source in first half of 2009 FRecommendations from users will be incorporated FNew controlled vocabulary and quality control F CABI grant ( )
I3N objectives FTraining has been made widely available throughout the Americas FDatabase in use by most countries FSustainability: FCreate further training and development opportunities FFurther develop and disseminate tools FSupport national strategy initiatives FExpand database records and use FContinue to provide database support FTraining has been made widely available throughout the Americas FDatabase in use by most countries FSustainability: FCreate further training and development opportunities FFurther develop and disseminate tools FSupport national strategy initiatives FExpand database records and use FContinue to provide database support
More recent agreements FClose alliance with TNC, they've contributed funds for training FSigned MOU with GISP; could potentially benefit economically FFormal MOU signed in Uruguay in May 2007 FMember of Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) and will provided data to global network FGISIN called for global support of the I3N standards and tools FClose alliance with TNC, they've contributed funds for training FSigned MOU with GISP; could potentially benefit economically FFormal MOU signed in Uruguay in May 2007 FMember of Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) and will provided data to global network FGISIN called for global support of the I3N standards and tools
Links to Other Initiatives ASEAN X BioNET X GEOSS X GISIN XXX GISP XXX ISIN XXXX ISSG/GISD XX ITIS X NatureServe X PAIGH P PBIF X TDWG XX TNC XXX US EPA X US State Dep XP USAID F MemberPartnerFundingMOUTWG X = current P = past F = future
Apply for funding from: FSun Microsystems (Web servers) FGates Foundation (capacity-building grants for data management) FNSF grant for building networks Moore Foundation (contributed to TDWG and GBIF) FGBIF data digitization grants (regional or country level?) FSun Microsystems (Web servers) FGates Foundation (capacity-building grants for data management) FNSF grant for building networks Moore Foundation (contributed to TDWG and GBIF) FGBIF data digitization grants (regional or country level?)
Seek Grants for Specific Taxonomic Groups FISHES Large number of species and large control effort VASCULAR PLANTS Large control effort INVERTEBRATES largest number of species with enormous impact tunicate Photo by Dann Blackwood EAB beetle round goby snakehead Asian honeysuckle cheatgrass
Less-used Taxonomic Groups BIRDS Relatively few invasive species. MAMMALS Few invasive species, but have high localized impact. nutria pigeon starling
Seek Grants for Specific Issues Climate ChangeClimate Change Aquatic/Marine HabitatsAquatic/Marine Habitats Crop pests and invasives with direct economic impactCrop pests and invasives with direct economic impact Joel Rotunda Lionfish
Additional Ideas FSeek grant from CBD Secretariat for facilitating invasive species country reports for the Clearinghouse Mechanism FExplore ability to receive funds from Global Invasive Species Programme's GEF grant FBecome an integral part of future grants of the Global Invasive Species Information Network FCharge annual membership fee for use of help desk and other services FSeek grant from CBD Secretariat for facilitating invasive species country reports for the Clearinghouse Mechanism FExplore ability to receive funds from Global Invasive Species Programme's GEF grant FBecome an integral part of future grants of the Global Invasive Species Information Network FCharge annual membership fee for use of help desk and other services
I3N lessons learned FEmphasize people aspects FMake the tools simple to use FEnsure recognition of information sources FNeed significant technical and administrative support for I3N Leads and database managers
Thank you Photo by Jim Thorne Additional Suggestions? Questions: Christine Fournier,