Plant ID #6 Horticulture 2
Hemerocallis cv. –Day Lily –Foliage: perennial, simple, linear shape with entire margin, leaf folded –Height: 1-3 feet –Spread: 1-3 feet –Form: round, symmetrical –Leaf Arrangement: whorled –Landscape Use: border, edging, foundations –Exposure: sun –Unique Characteristic: very popular in gardens, low maintenance, can spread to cover an area; flowers last one day
Hippeastrum cv. Amaryllis –Foliage: Simple, linear with entire margins; whorled –Height: 1-2 feet –Spread: 6-12 inches –Form: upright flower and floppy leaves –Leaf Arrangement: whorled –Landscape Use: border, container –Exposure: sun –Unique Characteristic: holiday plant, sold in kits, comes from bulbs, foliage dies back with reduced water and during the winter
Hosta sp –Hosta –Foliage: simple, ovate shape with entire, wavy margins –Height: 1-2 feet –Spread: 2-3 feet –Form: round, flowers on tall spikes –Leaf Arrangement: whorled –Landscape Use: border, edging, foundation –Exposure: light shade to dense shade –Unique Characteristic: several varieties that differ in color and leaf shape
Hoya carnosa Wax Plant –Foliage: simple, elliptic with entire margins, thicker leaves –Height: 6-12 inches –Spread: 6-12 inches –Form: short and round –Leaf Arrangement: alternate –Landscape Use: container, hanging baskets, interiorscape –Exposure: partial sun –Unique Characteristic: leaves can be variegated or solid green, trailing plant
Hydrangea macrophylla French Hydrangea –Foliage: rounded shrub with huge, deciduous, opposite, serrated, medium to dark green leaves –Flower: huge, ball shaped clusters on the most common varieties; dark purple or blue flowers –Height: 3-6 feet –Spread: 3-6 feet –Form: rounded shrub –Leaf Arrangement: opposite –Landscape Use: shrub border, high quality foliage, Specimen, Groupings, mass plantings to add textural variety to a landscape, foundation plant, seaside planting, flower affect –Exposure: Full sun –Unique Characteristic: flowers change color depending on the soils pH
Iberis sempervirens Evergreen Candytuft –Foliage: simple, linear shape with entire margins –Flowers: White flowers of up to 2 inches in clusters in March-May –Height: inches –Spread: 1 ½ - 2 feet –Form: mounds –Leaf Arrangement: alternate –Exposure: Sun –Landscape Use: border, edging, foundation –Unique Characteristic: attracts butterflies, good for rock garden
Ilex x attenuata ‘Fosteri’ Fosteri Holly –Foliage: evergreen; simple leaf with spiny points small, glossy, almost black-green, linear leaves have spiny margins –Flowers: Heavy berry production; persists into winter –Height: 20 to 30 feet –Spread: 7 to 10 feet –Form: Upright; pyramidal; compact –Leaf Arrangement: alternate –Exposure: Sun –Landscape Use: border, foundation, hedge, screen –Unique Characteristic: used in Christmas decorations
Ilex x attenuata ‘Savannah’ Savannah Holly –Foliage: evergreen; simple elliptic shape with spinose margin –Flowers: Vivid red fruit; single or clusters of 2 to 3 –Height: feet –Spread: 6-15 feet –Form: Loosely pyramidal; upright –Leaf Arrangement: alternate –Exposure: Sun –Landscape Use: border, foundation, hedge –Unique Characteristic: used in Christmas Decorations
Ilex crenata ‘compacta’ Compacta Holly –Foliage: evergreen, leaves small and often shiny, simple, serrulate, pinnate, obovate, less than 2 inches –Height: 6-10 feet –Spread: 5-8 feet –Form: round –Leaf Arrangement: alternate –Landscape Use: shrub, border, foundation, hedge –Exposure: sun –Unique Characteristic: clipped into shapes like Mickey Mouse at Disney World
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ Helleri Holly –Foliage: evergreen; Small alternate, simple dark green leaves; elliptic shape, serrulate margins –Flowers: Non-showy greenish white flowers in spring; small black drupe in fall on female plants; modestly produced –Height: 2-3 feet –Spread: 4-5 feet –Form: Low, dense, spreading mound; round –Leaf Arrangement: alternate –Exposure: Sun –Landscape Use: Border, Foundation –Unique Characteristic: Flowers attract bees
Ilex cornuta ‘Carissa’ Carissa Holly –Foliage: evergreen; simple, leathery dark olive-green leaves; 2 to 3" long; long, single terminal spine –Flowers: none to speak of –Height: 3-4 feet –Spread: 4-6 feet –Form: Compact; rounded, dense mound –Leaf Arrangement: Alternate –Exposure: sun to part shade –Landscape Use: border, shrub, foundation, etc –Unique Characteristic: Drought and heat tolerant; excellent formal shrub
Ilex vomitoria ‘nana’ Dwarf Yaupon –Foliage: evergreen; Alternate, simple dark green leaves; 0.5 to 1.5" long; new growth has yellow-green tinge –Flowers: Small greenish white flowers in spring; small scarlet drupes that persist into spring –Height: 3 to 5 feet –Spread: 3 to 6 feet –Form: Dense, rounded mound; close-knit branches; brittle –Leaf Arrangement: alternate –Landscape Use: borders, hedges, –Exposure: sun to part sun –Unique Characteristic: Drought and salt spray tolerant