YEAST BREAD Culinary Arts II
Just the Facts: Yeast Bread Video Square, Circle, Triangle Review
Bread in a Bag Shaping a Loaf Shaping a Loaf Each kitchen will make their own loaf of bread. While your bread is baking, complete the Yeast Bread worksheet. This will help you on your test on Thursday.
Yeast Breads Leavened with yeast Yeast produces alcohols and carbon dioxide gas by breaking down carbohydrates Process called fermentation Dough must be kneaded and allowed to rise before baking Variety: Pizza crust, pita bread, hard rolls, soft pretzels, puff pastry and chewy bagels
Basic white bread: made only with all-purpose flour, yeast, salt, sugar, fat and water or milk Batter bread: like basic white bread but with more liquid so texture is not as light Sweet white bread: basic white bread plus butter, eggs, extra sugar and sometimes nuts and fruits Whole-grain bread: whole-grain flour replaces part or all of the all-purpose flour Sourdough bread: leavened with sourdough starter, a well-fermented mixture of yeast, water and flour Tangy flavor and chewy texture
Making Yeast Bread Mixing the Dough Kneading the Dough Letting the Dough Rise Shaping Dough & Second Rise Baking the Dough
Conventional Method Yeast is first dissolved in warm water to activate growth. Method of testing yeast called proofing. Temperature is critical. Too Cold = No Growth Too Hot = Dead Should feel pleasantly warm.
Quick Mix Method Combines dry yeast with the dry ingredients. Liquids must be warmer because the dry ingredients absorb some of the heat. Typically mix with a stand mixer. Mixer develops gluten so kneading time is shorter.