Semester 2 Final Review Part 2 Carbohydrates, Photosynthesis & Respiration and Ecology
(in the old OChem Notes)
Carbohydrates are: Sugars and starches Sugars end with suffix “-ose” Produced by photosynthesis Contain the elements: C,H,O or C(H 2 O)
Monosaccharides: “1” Monomer (1 sugar) Simple sugars Ex. GlucoseC 6 H 12 O 6 * very, very important! It is from this molecule that animals get their energy Ex. Fructose C 6 H 12 O 6
Disaccharides “2” Polymer (more than 1) Glucose + glucose= maltose glucose + fructose= sucrose (table sugar) glucose + galactose = lactose (milk sugar)
Polysaccharides“many” Polymer (more than 1) Complex carbohydrates Long chains of monosaccharides. Used either for storage or reinforcing structure. Cellulose
Carbohydrate Vocabulary CarbohydrateGlucose Monosaccharide Disaccharide Polysaccharide
Photosynthesis: What is it? Photosynthesis is part of the carbon cycle.
Photosynthesis: What is it? Converting the solar energy from the sun into chemical energy stored in glucose. –Glucose is a molecule that is part of many carbohydrates (i.e. starch) The glucose can later be used to fuel life processes
Photosynthesis: who does it? Autotrophs –Organisms that make their own food Some bacteria Plants Lichens(fungus and algae together) Some plankton
Photosynthesis: where does it happen? In plant cells, photosynthesis takes place in the CHLOROPLAST –Thylakoid (the solid part) Where light is captured Where ATP is made –Stroma (the liquid part) Where glucose is made
Step 1: Light absorption by pigments Pigments: chemicals that absorb light of various wavelengths. In many plants, chlorophyll is the pigment that absorbs light energy Chlorophyll is found in the thylakoid of the chloroplast Chlorophyll absorbs all but green wavelength light –Green light is reflected, so we see green plants
6 CO H 2 O C 6 H 12 O O 2
Respiration Converting and using energy
Respiration: What is it? ► Essentially cellular respiration breaks food particles (glucose) down into ATP. ATP is the form of energy that cells can use.ATP is the form of energy that cells can use. Respiration provides all living things with the energy they need.Respiration provides all living things with the energy they need. This is aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen.This is aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen.
Respiration: What is it?
Respiration: Who does it? ► All living things do cellular respiration …including plants.
Respiration: Where does it happen? ► Mitochondria of a cell The “powerhouse” of the cell Found in plants and animals
C 6 H 12 O O 2 6 H 2 O + 6 CO 2
P & R Vocabulary PhotosynthesisRespiration AutotrophMitochondria ChloroplastAerobic ThylakoidStroma Pyruvic Acid Chlorophyll Stomata ATPAnaerboic (Fermentation)