What is Pear Deck? What are the benefits of using Pear Deck in the classroom? How is Pear Deck used in each subject area? Discuss a Pear Deck case study that took place at Old Rochester Regional High School in MA Have everyone join a sessions to see student view Have everyone make their own Pear Deck presentation Questions
Pear Deck is a Google app where you can invite your classroom to participate in an interactive and engaging slide presentation. This interactive website and Google Drive app adds interactivity to any slideshow by integrating free-text responses, multiple choice answers, freehand drawing renditions, drag-and-drop indicators, overlapping visuals, and even embeddable YouTube videos. Mixed in with other fruitful classroom activities during the school year, PearDeck will definitely help produce student engagement and, ultimately, acquired knowledge. Video: Pear Deck IntroductionPear Deck Introduction
The importance of using this Professional Development is to introduce teachers to another Google app that engages students through technology that can be utilized across all subject areas.
Math English & Language Arts Science World Languages Social Studies Below are links to examples of how Pear Deck can be used across all subject areas. Read through them all, or even just your subject area, to get ideas on how to implement it in your own classroom!
MJ Linane, a teacher at Old Rochester Regional High in MA, noticed four problems with direct instruction and wanted to solve them: He couldn’t tell if students were engaged. He couldn’t check for understanding until the end of the lesson when he gave a quiz. Students felt they had to get down every word of the presentation which slowed down the pace of the lesson. students would often lose their paper notes anyway.
Make direct instruction more engaging and less passive Use technology to improve instruction and get students engaged Piloted a Google Chromebook 1:1 initiative Began using Pear Deck in all world history classes Solved 4 major problems with direct instruction Turned direct instruction into an active and engaging activity
The full access to technology and Google Chrome tools made it possible to engage students in a new way. MJ Linane began using Pear Deck several times a week to make direct instruction more engaging and interactive. It was right there in front of them. When MJ gives a presentation with Pear Deck, students can follow along with the content right on their own device. He can also quickly place formative assessment and temperature checks strategically or spontaneously into the lesson. In this way, students were directly interacting with the content instead of passively listening to his lecture.
Pear Deck engages all students Can be used across all subject areas Pear Deck can be completed on any device Pear Deck can be done individually or collaboratively Promotes Inquiry based learning (Ask questions that spark curiosity and challenge intuition instead of just delivering facts) Formative assessments can occur as Pear Deck is being completed
Please go to Pear Deck on your chromebook (It is in the APPS section) and Enter the session code This is how students will see Pear Deck. They will view the question and can respond using the method you chose. You, as the teacher, on your screen will be able to see each students response as it comes in.
Please log-in to Pear Deck now as a teacher
Select Create a New Deck
Select Add slide
Enter any question you would like to ask
At this same step, you can also add in pictures of graphs if you’re question needs them.
Choose how you would like the students to answer your question
You can create as many questions as you would like. Once you are done creating, select start presentation
Once your class has started the Pear Deck, monitor their progress and assess their answers.
Are there any questions on what we covered today so far? I would love all of you to continue to work using Pear Deck and if you any questions come up, please me at