Exercise 2 Transportation Lane Exercise Your Name Your (Meeting Time)
Facility Locations 2 P To Brazil A C Key C = Canned Food Plant F = Fresh Food Plant P = Port A = Airport D = Distribution Center W = Warehouse G = Grocery Distributors (Clients) D C C F F C D W W W G G G F G Oklahoma City El Paso San Antonio Dallas Houston Jackson Little Rock Birmingham Mobile D To Brazil A P
Upstream Transportation Network Remove ALL Downstream Locations – Follow The Directions to Create the Network AND Lanes 3 P To Brazil A C Key C = Canned Food Plant F = Fresh Food Plant P = Port A = Airport D = Distribution Center W = Warehouse G = Grocery Distributors (Clients) D C C F F C D W W W G G G F G Oklahoma City El Paso San Antonio Dallas Houston Jackson Little Rock Birmingham Mobile D To Brazil P A
Upstream Network Topology Based on the Upstream Network: –List The Network Topologies Used Including Paths –Provide a Rationale As to Why you Did What You Did 4
Downstream Transportation Network Remove ALL Upstream Locations – Follow The Directions to Create the Network AND Lanes 5 P To Brazil A C Key C = Canned Food Plant F = Fresh Food Plant P = Port A = Airport D = Distribution Center W = Warehouse G = Grocery Distributors (Clients) D C C F F C D W W W G G G F G Oklahoma City El Paso San Antonio Dallas Houston Jackson Little Rock Birmingham Mobile D To Brazil P A
Downstream Network Topology Based on the Upstream Network: –List The Network Topologies Used Including Paths –Provide a Rationale As to Why you Did What You Did 6
Supply Chain / Network Issues Evaluate the Network for Issues Identify Each Issue here and provide: –Why it is an Issue –What Could be Done Summarize the Issues and Recommendations On the Final Page (Next Slide; Slide 8) Implement Your Recommendations and Create the Final Network which Combines both the Upstream and Downstream Network 7
Final Transportation Network Combined UPSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM Network and Implement any changes identified to resolve issues 8 P To Brazil A C Key C = Canned Food Plant F = Fresh Food Plant P = Port A = Airport D = Distribution Center W = Warehouse G = Grocery Distributors (Clients) D C C F F C D W W W G G G F G Oklahoma City El Paso San Antonio Dallas Houston Jackson Little Rock Birmingham Mobile D To Brazil P A