1 Role of Need Based Research and Development in Agriculture Institutes
2 The urge to prosper and progress drives us to take an improved path. We have to search and research for a better path and mode. This is eternal and basic for all research. The subject for research is diving which is quite variable and sensitive to changes. Why Research
3 The Indian Agricultural Research System - the world’s largest public agricultural research establishment. Among the developing nations, only Brazil and China have comparable levels of expenditure or number of professional staff. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is the Apex national organisation for conducting and co-ordinating research in agriculture. ICAR maintains its main link with State Agricultural Universities through the All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs).
4 Research is the major mandate of Agricultural Universities to provide the required technological backup for the progress of agriculture in the State. The total number of scientists in the NARS exceeds 20,000. Emperical studies in agricultural research in India have indicated that the returns to investment in agricultural research range from 40 – 155 per cent.
5 What is Research? Yield Improvement Quality enhancement Generation of Technologies - Farming Situation/Season wise technologies - Technologies for Irrigated/Dryland cultivation - Solutions to problems identified P H T, Value addition and Processing Marketability Sanitary & Phytosanitary Profitability – comparative & competitive advantages
6 Varietal development : Minikits T A R On-farm and Adaptive trials Quality improvement Cost reduction Post harvest management Then Dissemination of knowledge for adoption
7 Research goals changing At the time of inspection of National Agriculture Research System it is food security now change to market driven growth Needs not static The needs of the consumers, the forms of output demanded are fast changing globally.
8 Needs changing with Productivity Production Consumer preference - Changes in national diets Demand Agro and food processing Efficient domestic industry Climatic change Agricultural diversification Government participation External factors - Opening export markets for Asian farmers
9 In tune with the changing needs the NARS constantly improving, modifying the existing courses, changing the syllabus, offering short term courses, strengthening the linkages with industries, establishing placement cells, changing the research objectives and strengthening the research and extension linkages
10 Research needs systematic planning and execution through dedicated efforts. Research programmes to be formulated based on changing needs and problems It is an opportunity not to be taken as a means of living alone. Formulating a sound research programme solves half of the problem.
11 Interdisciplinary involvement is necessary wherever feasible for better and quicker solutions to the problem. Basis Problems brought by the farmers, Extension worker Gaps identified in the earlier ZREAC (Fellow Scientist, farmers, officials) Problems identified by the Scientists themselves (Joint field visits, Diagnostic, Team visits) Problems assigned by the Govt/University Basic research where feasible and to the extent required Programmes prioritised in various fora
12 Integration among research – extension – teaching necessary for development and implementation of technologies Effective transfer of technology through developmental and other activities is crucial for the success of any research
13 Research and Extension Linkages Linkage - a communication relationship between two units Linkage in Agricultural knowledge systems includes - Research -Creation/Knowledge Dissemination-dispersion Adoption-Use In an ideal situation knowledge flows through the system ‘forward and backward’ Linkage is essential because ‘Most of the information that extension transmits to farmers originates outside the extension organisation’