Quick briefing on submitting your thesis to the University Repository
Submitting your thesis Complete your Intention To Submit form and Thesis Access Declaration (TAD) form at the same time TAD determines when, after graduation, your thesis becomes available Don’t think you have to embargo to protect chances of monograph publishing – you really, genuinely don’t Previously published material (yours or others) in your thesis may affect what we can make available
Managing risk What if you included copyrighted works without getting permission or you include an Orphan Work? 1.Submit 2 versions Edited thesis along with non-cleared items removed Full version, including any corrections required by the examiners Only the edited version will be made available 2.Submit 1 version with the items included Where orphan works are your only concern Must have a documented record of attempts to trace rights holders This is a higher risk strategy The Repository operates a Notice and Takedown Policy for legal challenges
Where / when do you deposit? After you’ve made all post-viva changes and submitted final version It’s this version that’s deposited (along with edited version if necessary) Follow the E-thesis deposit guide available from repository.liv.ac.uk Worth noting that upcoming changes in research management systems may affect how you upload your thesis
Further information On copyright and your thesis: libguides.liv.ac.uk/pgr – follow link to copyright information To get the Thesis Access Declaration form: