Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Classify these rocks Gneiss Pumice Limestone Slate Shale Obsidian Quartzite Sandstone Basalt Conglomerate Marble Granite Schist
Clastic or Non-Clastic? Sandstone Limestone Shale Rock Salt Coal Conglomerate
Intrusive or Extrusive?
Felsic or Mafic?
What mineral group? Silicates
What physical property is being tested? Streak (true color)
What physical property is being shown? Cleavage
What physical property is being shown? Fracture
What are all of the following minerals used for/in? Graphite Galena Talc Diamonds Quartz Pencils Batteries Powders Cutting tools Glass/electronics
What are the 5 defining characteristics of minerals? Natural Inorganic Crystalline Definite Chemical Composition Solid
What mineral group? Carbonates
What mineral group? Oxides
What type of rock? Name? Sedimentary (Conglomerate)
What type of rock? Name? Metamorphic (Gneiss)
What metamorphic rock feature? Foliation
What type of rock? Sedimentary (Sandstone)
What type of rock? Sedimentary
What type of rock? Igneous (Pumice)
What type of rock? Sedimentary
What minerals are in this rock? Quartz Feldspar Mica
What type of rock will form? Extrusive Igneous Intrusive Igneous
What kind of rocks will form? Metamorphic
What kind of rocks will form? Sedimentary
A B C D E A)Intrusive Igneous B)Extrusive Igneous C)Metamorphic D)Sedimentary E)Metamorphic