King Saud University1 CSC 112 Java Programming I Introduction
King Saud University2 Welcome to CSC112 Lecturer: Reham Al-Abdul Jabbar Website : Office location: room#42 Bld. 20 Office location: room#42 Bld. 20 Office hours: check my website check my websitecheck my website
King Saud University3 Teaching Arrangements Two 50 minute lectures each week Sat 9-9:50 Mon 9-9:50 One 50 minute tutorial Wed 9-9:50
King Saud University4 Tutorials One 50 minute tutorial session. We go through example problems, solutions and programs to reinforce the concepts. Do some work on tutorial material BEFORE the tutorial. Your attendance will be recorded. Making the most of your tutorial sessions is important.
King Saud University5 Practical One 1 hour and 50 minute practical session each week. Starting this week. Vital to you passing CSC112. Your attendance will be recorded. You must only hand in your own work A significant proportion of marks comes from practical work.
King Saud University6 Assessment Assessment is what you do to get your marks. Assessment for CSC112 is made up of a combination of your performance in practical exercises, in quizzes and in exams. Made up from: 1 quiz 5% 2 midterms 15% - 10% Lab 30% Final 40%
King Saud University7 Exam Schedule Exam dates: Mon 10/11/2008 Quiz1: Mon 10/11/ :00 – 12:30 Wed 26/11/2008 Midterm1: Wed 26/11/ :00 – 1:15 Mon 5/1/2009 Midterm2: Mon 5/1/ :00 – 1:00
King Saud University8 Help… If you have a problem that you know you can't solve by yourself don't hesitate, see someone: Lecturers or TAs - a technical problem with a practical or concept from the lectures or the textbook that you don't understand Ask during the lecture or see in person during OHs
King Saud University9 Be aware that: Cheating is prohibited, so if we caught any identical assignments both will take Zero in the first copy and -10 to the second one and so on. Cheating is prohibited, so if we caught any identical assignments both will take Zero in the first copy and -10 to the second one and so on. If you fail to attend any examination, you will not be allowed to have a makeup exam unless you have a very strong excuse. You will go for a comprehensive exam ONLY after the exam's committee accepts your excuse.
King Saud University10 CSC112 Group You must have a yahoo ID to join the group. Announcements Polls Discuss your assignments together Don’t ask any questions not related to course on the group. Don’t put solutions during your discussions.
King Saud University11 Aims of CSC 112 An understanding of the common constructs that make up programming languages Development of skills in problem solving and efficiently translating solutions into computer programs. A sufficient working knowledge of the programming language A sufficient familiarity with the departmental computing environment to allow study in more advanced Information Technology subjects.
King Saud University12 Text book Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Second or Third Edition by D.S. Malik Second or Third Edition by D.S. Malik
King Saud University13 Course content Chapter 1: An Overview of Computers and Programming Languages Chapter 2: Basic Elements of Java Chapter 3: Introduction to Objects and Input/Output Chapter 4: Control Structures I Chapter 5: Control Structures II Chapter 7: User-Defined Methods Chapter 9: Arrays