Decimals and fractions To convert a decimal to a fraction 1.Write the whole number part, if necessary. 2.Write the digits following the decimal point as the numerator of a fraction. 3.Count the number of decimal places and write 1 followed by a number of zeros equal to this number of decimal places. 4.Reduce if necessary. Year 7 mathematics: Decimals 5-Feb-16
Example 1 Convert each of the following decimals to fraction form. Reduce if necessary. a) 4·56b) 7·057c) 0·0607 ÷4 Year 7 mathematics: Decimals 5-Feb-16
Decimals and fractions To convert a fraction to a decimals 1.Write the whole number part, if necessary. 2.Divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) 3.One of two things will happen the decimal will terminate or it will start to repeat Year 7 mathematics: Decimals 5-Feb-16 Example 2 Convert the following fractions to decimals
Decimals and fractions Year 7 mathematics: Decimals 5-Feb-16 Some that we should just know
Year 7 mathematics: Decimals 5-Feb-16 Today’s work Ex 7-04 Page 223 All Qs a, c, e… Yesterday’s work Ex 7-02 All & Ex 7-03 All Qs a, c, e…