Multivariate Time Series Analysis
Let {xt : t T} be a Multivariate time series. Definition: m(t) = mean value function of {xt : t T} = E[xt] for t T. S(t,s) = Lagged covariance matrix of {xt : t T} = E{[ xt - m(t)][ xs - m(s)]'} for t,s T
Definition: The time series {xt : t T} is stationary if the joint distribution of is the same as the joint distribution of for all finite subsets t1, t2, ... , tk of T and all choices of h.
In this case then for t T. and S(t,s) = E{[ xt - m][ xs - m]'} = E{[ xt+h - m][ xs+h - m]'} = E{[ xt-s - m][ x0 - m]'} = S(t - s) for t,s T.
Definition: The time series {xt : t T} is weakly stationary if : for t T. and S(t,s) = S(t - s) for t, s T.
In this case S(h) = E{[ xt+h - m][ xs - m]'} = Cov(xt+h,xt ) is called the Lagged covariance matrix of the process {xt : t T}
The Cross Correlation Function and the Cross Spectrum
Note: sij(h) = (i,j)th element of S(h), and is called the cross covariance function of is called the cross correlation function of
Definitions: i) is called the cross spectrum of Note: since sij(k) ≠ sij(-k) then fij(l) is complex. ii) If fij(l) = cij(l) - i qij(l) then cij(l) is called the Cospectrum (Coincident spectral density) and qij(l) is called the quadrature spectrum
iii) If fij(l) = Aij(l) exp{ifij(l)} then Aij(l) is called the Cross Amplitude Spectrum and fij(l) is called the Phase Spectrum.
Definition: is called the Spectral Matrix
The Multivariate Wiener-Khinchin Relations (p-variate) and
Lemma: Assume that Then F(l) is: i) Positive semidefinite: a*F(l)a ≥ 0 if a*a ≥ 0, where a is any complex vector. ii) Hermitian:F(l) = F*(l) = the Adjoint of F(l) = the complex conjugate transpose of F(l). i.e.fij(l) = .
Corrollary: The fact that F(l) is positive semidefinite also means that all square submatrices along the diagonal have a positive determinant Hence and or
Definition: = Squared Coherency function Note:
Applications and Examples of Multivariate Spectral Analysis
Example I - Linear Filters
Let denote a bivariate time series with zero mean. Suppose that the time series {yt : t T} is constructed as follows: t = ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...
The time series {yt : t T} is said to be constructed from {xt : t T} by means of a Linear Filter.
continuing Thus the spectral density of the time series {yt : t T} is:
Comment A: is called the Transfer function of the linear filter. is called the Gain of the filter while is called the Phase Shift of the filter.
Thus cross spectrum of the bivariate time series is:
Comment B: = Squared Coherency function.
Example II - Linear Filters with additive noise at the output
Let denote a bivariate time series with zero mean. Suppose that the time series {yt : t T} is constructed as follows: t = ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ... The noise {vt : t T} is independent of the series {xt : t T} (may be white)
continuing Thus the spectral density of the time series {yt : t T} is:
Thus cross spectrum of the bivariate time series is:
Thus = Squared Coherency function. Noise to Signal Ratio
Multivariate Time Series Analysis
The Cross Correlation Function and the Cross Spectrum
Note: sij(h) = (i,j)th element of S(h), and is called the cross covariance function of is called the cross correlation function of
Definitions: i) is called the cross spectrum of Note: since sij(k) ≠ sij(-k) then fij(l) is complex. ii) If fij(l) = cij(l) - i qij(l) then cij(l) is called the Cospectrum (Coincident spectral density) and qij(l) is called the quadrature spectrum
iii) If fij(l) = Aij(l) exp{ifij(l)} then Aij(l) is called the Cross Amplitude Spectrum and fij(l) is called the Phase Spectrum. Note: and
now and
Definition: = Squared Coherency function Note:
Example I - Linear Filters
Let denote a bivariate time series with zero mean. Suppose that the time series {yt : t T} is constructed as follows: t = ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...
Thus the spectral density of the time series {yt : t T} is: Comment : is called the Transfer function of the linear filter. is called the Gain of the filter while is called the Phase Shift of the filter.
The cross spectrum of the bivariate time series is:
Comment B: = Squared Coherency function.
Example II - Linear Filters with additive noise at the output
Let denote a bivariate time series with zero mean. Suppose that the time series {yt : t T} is constructed as follows: t = ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ... The noise {vt : t T} is independent of the series {xt : t T} (may be white)
The the spectral density of the time series {yt : t T} is: The cross spectrum of the bivariate time series is:
Also and for k = 0, 1, 2, ... , m.
Note: and
Also and
Also and
The sample cross-spectrum, cospectrum & quadrature spectrum
Recall that the periodogram has asymptotic expectation 4pfxx(l). Similarly the asymptotic expectation of is 4pfxy(l). An asymptotic unbiased estimator of fxy(l) can be obtained by dividing by 4p.
The sample cross spectrum
The sample cospectrum
The sample quadrature spectrum
The sample Cross amplitude spectrum, Phase spectrum & Squared Coherency
Thus their sample counter parts can be defined in a similar manner Thus their sample counter parts can be defined in a similar manner. Namely
Consistent Estimation of the Cross-spectrum fxy(l)
Daniell Estimator
= The Daniell Estimator of the Cospectrum = The Daniell Estimator of the quadrature spectrum
Weighted Covariance Estimator
Again once the Cospectrum and Quadrature Spectrum have been estimated, The Cross spectrum, Amplitude Spectrum, Phase Spectrum and Coherency can be estimated generally as follows using either the a) Daniell Estimator or b) the weighted covariance estimator of cxy(l) and qxy(l):