Bush/Clinton/Bush 1988-Present Whipsawing the American Political System
1988 Presidential Election: Bush v Dukakis
First Gulf War The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991) was a conflict between Iraq and a coalition force of 30 nations led by the United States and mandated by the United Nations in order to liberate Kuwait.
1992 Presidential Election: Bush/Clinton/Perot
1992 Presidential Election CandidatesPartyPop. Vote%Electoral Vote Clinton/Gore Democratic 44,909, % % Bush/Quayle Republican 39,104, % % Perot/Stockdale Independent 19,743, % %
Clinton’s First Term : (examples) –Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell Policy on Gays in Military –Efforts to bring women and minorities in high government positions –Effort to pass National Health Insurance – failed
Republican Revolution 1994 Congressional Elections: Republicans took both houses of Congress Incoming Speaker Newt Gingrich promised a Contract with AmericaContract with America 1995: Confrontations with Clinton over government spending
Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Brown Murder (June 1994); OJ Simpson Murder Trial, Jan-October 1995
1994 Congressional Elections: House
1994 Congressional Elections, Senate – 56 Democrats; 44 Republicans , Initially 52 Republicans to 48 Democrats. Two senators switched parties to give the Republicans a majority. A special election returned a seat to the Democrats making the Republican majority
Oklahoma City Bombing, April 1995
Government Shutdowns November 14-19, 1995, resulted in the furlough of an estimated 800,000 federal employees. December 16, 1995 to January 6, 1996: On January 2, 1996, the estimate of furloughed federal employees was 284,000.
Legislation Passed: Welfare Reform 1996: PRWORA: Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of Ended the Title of the 1935 Social Security Act that provide “aid to families with dependent children” (AFDC).
1996 Presidential Election: Clinton wins reelection
Packers win Superbowl, Jan. 1997
Lewinsky Affair Affair began on November 15, 1995 and lasted until April 7, Came to public attention in January 1998.
Clinton Impeached September 1998: Starr Report recommending impeachment proceedings December 1998: House Judiciary Committee votes articles of impeachment December 1998: House votes articles of impeachment January-February 1999: Trial in Senate; Clinton acquitted and on the two articles.
U.S. Embassy Bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, August 1998
Columbine High School Shooting, April 20, 1999
2000 Presidential Election
1988-Bush win1992-Clinton win 1996-Clinton win 2000-Bush win