2/5/2016 Welcome! Solorio Elementary Mrs. Kennedy 1 st Grade
2/5/2016 Introduction 12 th year at Solorio teaching first grade Masters of Arts in Education Married, 4 children
2/5/2016 Snacks and Lunches Snack recess is at 9:50 Lunch is at 11:05-11:45-$2.75 for lunch, 50 cents for milk or water Play first and eat last Pay for lunch on line-visit Etiwanda School District website
2/5/2016 Classroom Policies Rules Consequences Rewards-individual/ whole class Behavior chart in homework binder- view daily Prize box
2/5/2016 All Star of the Week Each child will have the opportunity to be Star of the Week. Poster Estimation jar-no peanuts Share-books, trophy etc.
2/5/2016 Curriculum Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Technology- and Art/Music on Fridays P.E. –Wed. and Fri. 12:35-1:20-A note will be required to excuse your child from P.E.
2/5/2016 Book Orders Book orders will be offered several times during the year. Fill out order form One payment for all orders is acceptable Order on line
2/5/2016 Birthdays Due to allergies, your child may bring in a non food item (stickers, pencils etc.) to share with the class. We will have a party at the end of the year to celebrate everyone’s birthday.
2/5/2016 Medication Medication will be administered in the office Contact office to make arrangements
2/5/2016 AR Program Go on Solorio website to find out AR books Read with your child 20 minutes daily Ask questions throughout story Read the book at least twice before taking a test Incentives from school-library Roary’s Reading Royalty Program”. The program involves students reading AR books and earning points in order to attend PTA provided treat parties.
2/5/2016 Homework/Class work Homework binder- return on daily basis Reading Logs-read daily for 20 minutes Unfinished work in classroom-your child will have time throughout the day to complete their work. Incomplete work will be sent home to be finished If not completed your child’s grade can be lowered. Look through homework binder daily High frequency words
2/5/2016 Report Cards/Conference Report cards Parent conference/Sign up for day and time Progress report-You may look at your child’s progress report and grades on ESPRI. Get your child’s number from the office. If a score is below satisfactory on assignments, I will send it home to have it signed. Please return it back the next school day.
Grading System Explanation of grading system O-Oustanding, G-Good, S-Satisfactory,N-Need Improvement,U-Unsatisfactory 2/5/2016
2/5/2016 Parental Involvement Volunteer sign up/ Times 8:00-9:50 A volunteer form will have to be filled out before helping in classroom or field trips Field trips Newsletter-Would like to have everyone's Donations (glue sticks, incentives, baby wipes) The donations are listed on my teacher website and on the desk.
Dress Code Comfortable shoes, no sandals with a back strap. Tank tops are allowed as long as it’s 2 inches wide. Dress Code policy is on the Etiwanda website. 2/5/2016
Helpful Information 150 sight words Ball and stick How to help your child Unity Poem Schedule TeacherWeb
2/5/2016 Chromebooks We have Chromebooks for each student. Your child will be using them for AR tests, centers and practicing reading using Reading A to Z. Your child will have their own username and password and can practice these skills at home. If your child has a restriction not to use Google, he/she will not be able to use these services.
Remind If you would like to sign up for Remind, I can text you reminders to you. Text You will be set up and will receive text messages from me. 2/5/2016
E3 Fun Run Great News! Our E3 will be on October 3 rd at Central Park off of Milliken and Baseline. Flyers will be sent home. Please try to sign up and get some exercise 2/5/2016
Questions? 2/5/2016